Whenever I see one of these women, I always think of the muscular chick in Scary Movie and when her balls fell out of her skirt, I laughed till I almost pissed on myself… anywho… As if the steroid scandal is not enough, recent rumblings state A-Rod may also be into sluts with nuts, or at least sluts who LOOK like they have nuts (laugh). Sources report that Selena Roberts, the Sports Illustrated co-writer who broke the recent story of Alex Rodriguez testing positive for steroids in 2004, has a book on the slugger “coming out,” for lack of a better phrase, in May. Supposedly the book “The Blitz has learned Hit and Run: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez” tackles A-Rod’s steroid use and “sexuality.” A petite stripper once allegedly told the New York Daily News that A-Rod ‘likes the she-male, muscular type.’ Which would explain his attraction to Madonna (below) (laugh).