Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Black Teenage Witness to Trayvon Martin’s Murder Suffering Extreme Guilt (vid)

This teenager is burdened with immense guilt because he didn’t step in to save Trayvon Martin from the murderer George Zimmerman. Truth be told he could have been murdered himself by the crazed wannabe cop and Zimmerman would still be free to walk the streets. Under national pressure from the case, the FBI has stepped in and is determining if Trayvon’s Civil Rights were violated (they were) the local police force botched the case and there is suspicion that Zimmerman is actually a police informant which would explain the cover up and why the wannabe cop was not arrested.. yet.

Kevin Ross
Kevin Ross
Kevin Ross is the CEO of Radio Facts. He is a music and radio industry vet who has been a programmer and a radio host in several markets like Atlanta, Denver, Los Angeles, and more. He started The Industry Dot Biz in 1995 as a voice for Black industry executives to have a voice in the industry. Ross is a musician, writer, voice talent, and author. The Industry Dot Biz is currently the largest urban industry trade and site.

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