Friday, July 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Steve Harvey States He was Not Advising Mo’Nique to be a Sellout , “Should Have Chosen My Words More Carefully”

Originally posted Feb 18, 2019 – The Steve Harvey and Mo’Nique exchange on Steve’s show went viral with people accusing Steve of advising Mo’Nique to sellout and forget about her integrity. Harvey states this was not his intention. EURweb got an exclusive interview with Harvey.

Kevin Ross
Kevin Ross
Kevin Ross is the CEO of Radio Facts. He is a music and radio industry vet who has been a programmer and a radio host in several markets like Atlanta, Denver, Los Angeles, and more. He started The Industry Dot Biz in 1995 as a voice for Black industry executives to have a voice in the industry. Ross is a musician, writer, voice talent, and author. The Industry Dot Biz is currently the largest urban industry trade and site.

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