Friday, July 26, 2024

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Two Men Burned Alive By Locals After Being Accused of Raping Young Girl

Two men in India were set on fire by a mob after accusations that they raped a minor, according to authorities. 

The incident resulted in a man dying and the other is said to be in critical condition in the hospital in Jharkhand’s Gumla district in the Basua village.

The alleged incident happened between 9 and 10 p.m. on Wednesday according to authorities. 

According to a Hindustan Times report, the deputy superintendent of police in Gumla, Manish Chandra, spoke about the incident. 

“As per initial investigation, a girl was dropped at her home by two accused allegedly after raping her,” he said. 

“Both the girl and the accused are from different neighborhoods in the same village. Enraged over the allegations of rape, the girl’s family members and a few other villagers brought the two boys from home and set them on fire.”

Chandra told the Deccan Herald publication, “When the girl’s family members and other villagers came to know about the incident, they got hold of the accused. The mob then brought the youths to the survivor’s village, thrashed them, and set them on fire.”

According to the Hindustan Times report, the deceased victim has been identified as Sunil Oraon and the alleged rape victim has filed a complaint with the police and has been taken for medical tests. 

Another incident occurred just two months ago in Uttar Pradesh, India, where a 13-year-old had allegedly been raped by a police officer while trying to file a report that she had been ganged-raped. 

The officer has since been arrested according to local media. NDTV said those posted at the station during the time of the alleged incident have been “removed from duty.”

The girl’s father claimed that on April 22, his daughter was “lured by four men” and taken to Bhopal, a city in Madhya Pradesh, India, where she was raped for four days. The men then dropped her off at a police station in Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh, and fled the scene, according to an official complaint to the police. 

The girl was handed to her aunt at first but returned to file a report. The accused official then took the girl inside a room in the police station in the presence of her aunt and raped her, according to NDTV. 

According to a statement obtained by the BBC, Lalitpur district police chief Nikhil Pathak said the girl was later brought to his office by a member of the CHILDLINE India Foundation, a non-governmental organization that operates a telephone hotline for children in distress. When Pathak found out what happened to the girl, he filed a case against the officer.

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