Saturday, May 18, 2024
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Top 5 This Week

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10 Terrible Things you should NOT do at Starbucks…

There are certainly exceptions to every unspoken rule but all we ask is that you just be CONSIDER these things the next time you go to Starbucks.


1. Call someone on the cell phone to see what they want when it’s your turn in line.

Do that BEFORE your turn.

2. Bring your UNRULY children to HANG OUT in Starbucks.

Consider… Most adults go to Starbucks to get AWAY from their children.

3. Apply your makeup in the only bathroom

Now you can be proud that the three people waiting in line have kidney damage.

4. Take a dump in the bathroom.

This is just disrespectful. As if someone wants to return to their table to eat their bagel with that smell still hanging on the hairs in their nose. Really? There are some things you should just do at home. Would you like a newspaper too?

5. Talk loud on your cell phone…

…because you think others are impressed with that you are talking about or working on. You are actually letting everyone know that you are a very insecure person who is in dire need of attention. No true business mogul would be talking loud on the phone in Starbucks, he would wait until he got back to the office to annoy others.


6. Listen in on someone’s meeting…

then interrupt pushing your ideas or business. I have actually had this happen. People from clear across the room will act like their are looking for someone or something to read while they eavesdrop then make their pitch.


7. Leave your crumbs and half empty coffee cup on the table for the next person to clean up.

No home training, the mother was probably a maid for her kids.


8. Sip your coffee at the condiment stand to taste…

…taking your sweet time slowly stirring while others are waiting for you to get the hell out of the way. MOVE, if your coffee doesn’t taste right let me grab the shit I need and come back to season it to taste.

9. Have huge meeting where you use Five tables and 20 chairs.

And there are only 3 tables in the entire Starbucks. Rent a damn meeting space.


10. Bring a power source with 10 outlets on it

…and use up both outlets in Starbucks for your computer, cell phone, ear peice, iPad, blow dryer and George Foreman grill.

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