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Pandora Announces Integration with STRATA and Mediaocean Media Buying Platforms

PandoraPandora , the leading internet radio service, today announced that its audience data will appear in the three most popular media buying platforms, including STRATA and Mediaocean’s Donovan and Mediabank stewardship systems. Radio buyers will be able to compare Pandora’s audience data side-by-side with broadcast radio stations across the country.

With more than $14 billion spent on U.S. spot radio advertising annually according to the RAB, advertisers will have a more complete representation of the radio industry that includes both broadcast and internet radio. STRATA and Mediaocean will import Triton Digital’s Webcast Metrics Local (WCML) data into their software platforms, allowing radio buyers to view Pandora national and local audience ratings.

Prior to the integrations, radio buyers using STRATA and Mediaocean systems were required to manually research Pandora audience ratings. Radio buyers now have an easy and efficient way to evaluate Pandora audience size and rankings to make informed decisions about their media mix.

Pandora Chief Revenue Officer John Trimble said, “It’s great to see STRATA and Mediaocean embrace innovation and respond to marketplace demand. With consumers shifting from broadcast to internet radio, it’s important to have the industry adopt technology to help advertisers make smarter planning and buying decisions. The integrations will help advertisers understand the power of internet radio and make the smartest buying decision at both the national and local levels.”

STRATA President/CEO John Shelton said, “Adding Pandora as a part of our arsenal of media options for over 1,000 STRATA agencies allows our clients to access substantial listener audiences like never before. After the launch of Pandora in STRATA’s system in January, our media buyers’ reaction was overwhelmingly positive. They are extremely excited about this opportunity to offer Pandora to their advertising clients.”

Mediaocean CEO Bill Wise said, “Mediaocean’s clients””the major holding companies and independents in North American and Europe who use our systems to manage over $100B in media spend a year””have long expressed a desire to spend far more heavily in digital radio generally, and Pandora specifically. We approached Pandora last year with a new way to let that agency demand flow to Pandora inventory, and we’re glad to see that approach adopted industry-wide.”

STRATA’s integration was released in January 2013 and all STRATA agencies now have access to Pandora audience data. Mediaocean is currently in beta release with rollout to Mediabank systems in mid-March 2013 and Donovan systems by the end of April 2013.

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