Friday, July 26, 2024

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Wild Wing Cafe’s Racial Ejection (Video)

Group of 25 Black people waited two hours to get in a Wild Wing Cafe restaurant in North Charleston

This place has had MANY complaints of the same type since this happened in August of 2013. Who was it that created the chicken wing concept again?

Once again we are witnessing the true power of social media. You are hearing about this story because one man posted about his experience on Facebook at a Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston, SC, where his friends and family suffered some “1960’s” style discrimination.

A group of 25 Black people waited two hours to get in a Wild Wing Cafe restaurant in North Charleston, South Carolina, only to be asked to leave almost immediately after entering the restaurant because a white customer felt “threatened” by their presence. One member of the group, Michael Brown,  took his complaint to Facebook when the corporate office of the restaurant did not call him back after placing several calls.

See Wild Wings 2015 Update Here

Mr Brown says he was celebrating his cousin’s last day in Charleston last month at Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston. He says after his party of 25 peacefully waited two hours for a (read the rest of the story by clicking “Next” above or below< table, the shift manager told them there was a “situation.”

She said “there’s a situation where one of our customers feels threatened by your party, so she asked us not to seat you in our section, which totally alarmed all of us because we’re sitting there peaceably for two hours,” explains Brown. “Obviously, if we were causing any conflict, we would have been ejected out of the place hours before.”

Brown says while he was talking to the shift manager, someone in his group began videotaping the conversation. Brown says that’s when the manager became upset and refused to seat them. “I asked her I want to be clear with you,” says Brown. “I said so you’re telling me I have to leave. She said I have a right to deny you service. I said so you’re asking me to leave because you’re upset because he was recording you after we’ve waited for two hours, and after you’ve already pretty much discriminated on us, and she answered yes.”

Brown told WNEM TV 5 news that several calls were made to the corporate office in Mt. Pleasant, but he says they did not receive a callback, so he posted about his experience on Facebook.

His Facebook post read, “I will never go to Wild wings cafe in N. Chs again! We (Party of 25 family and friends) waited for 2hrs, patiently and were refused service because another customer (White) felt threatened by us.

This type of racial discrimination is unacceptable and we have to put a STOP TO IT. The manager looked me dead in the face and said she was refusing us service because she had a right to and simply she felt like it. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS ESTABLISHMENT… PLEASE SHARE THIS POST… We need your help.”

Once his post went live and began to circulate around Facebook, he finally got a response from Wild Wings Cafe corporate office. ” We got alerted through social media, so we always encourage our customers to respond to us or to comment on our social media pages,” says Debra Stokes, the chief marketing officer for Wild Wing Cafe.

“We had a conversation,” says Stokes. “It was a really good conversation. He and many of his family and friends were there about a month ago, and they are regular customers of ours. So, they were having a going away party, and they just didn’t receive the experience that they have come to know and love.”

Brown says an apology was offered and a free meal for the entire group, but he says he’s not completely satisfied.

“We weren’t coming here for a free meal. When we came there that night, we were coming to patronize the business. This is not a situation where you can just give us a free meal and everything is ok because it’s deeper than that.” See an employee of Wild Wings’ different account of the events >HERE<


  1. I am a 55 year old White Male. If these people were not causing any problems or creating any kind of a disturbance then why were the asked to leave?? Because 1 white person said they felt uncomfortable?? That’s a crock if I ever heard one. This is what is wrong with our country people!!!! Too many people saying I am offended, uncomfortable, don’t like someone sitting next to them for STUPID reasons!!!! Grow Up!!!!!! If you do not wake up it won’t be each other that you will have to worry about it will be the one invading OUR country to take control of ALL of us!!!!!

    • So very true–while we are busy fighting with each other entities will sneak right in and slowly takeover without anyone noticing until it is way to late. As long as we stand UNITED as a country and as a people nothing or no one could ever takeover. People please stop the arguing, hate and fighting. We have a man in the highest office in our land and he has put a WHITE SUPREMACIST in the White House. This is how it starts. This man promised Americans how he was going to make America great again and then sticks the White Supremacist in a position that could change our lives, but not for the better. Whose interest do you think he had in mind when he promised to “Make America Great Again?”

  2. This is disgusting but it should not be surprising. Eradicating race-based behaviors, bigoted acts and race based inequality will take multiple generations (1 generation =20 years) and some people like the human atavists at the “Wild Wing Cafe” stubbornly hold on to the past.Can blacks stay awake (we were during the civil rights movement of the 1960s remember)? Sure. Will they? Don’t know, it is easier to sleep besides staying awake requires a cultural change from within that ends the so-called ratchet anti-social behavior (instant gratification, lack of long term planning, multiple children within a single headed household with different fathers, and embracing of violence). Those are behavioral traits that can be abandoned for something more productive like academic prowess , a focus on higher learning and thinking and restraint. Those are definitely not impossible and they would help blacks stay awake and not provide negative cognitive fodder for bigoted thoughts and actions.

  3. wow ,and some people actually continue to say racism doesn’t exist today ,Black folks say this (denial) and white folks(the most denial) say this crap too.

  4. Still in todays time we have this crazy I feel threaten mentality. Not because of my character but because of the color of my skin. Jesus I pray for this world we live in now.

  5. so sad..but that is SC..I hope they continue to boycott that place..they changed the name in TX to brezwings so I will not be going there either…too many other wing places to go to that support our business!!

  6. I would have told the white person to leave and take her ignorance with her. I don’t put up with racism of any kind. I don’t care what race you are.

  7. What he says happened: White man felt uncomfortable so they kicked our family out.What actually happened: 2 hours of families most likely enduring the word “nigga, slang, and curse words” in a family oriented restaurant, families get uncomfortable and a dad says something to the manager, manager says something to black family they have to leave.Yes. Whitey got you kicked out. I would eat at that place in a heartbeat as a civilized family oriented tongue holding “sonofabiscuit.”The real moral of the story is that you shouldn’t curse and make other families uncomfortable with the one last free thing you have in life(speech). When you waive that right in a restaurant the establishment kicks you out. I am about Political Correct speech, but what I do mean, is if you are going to be talking about obscenities loud, be prepared to not be served.What is the easiest explanation you can come up with as to why he was kicked out? Racism? or the staff kicked them out for being disorderly?The second is easier for me to see happening.

  8. Welcome to a normal day in the South.
    Even when we are trying to do normal things like go to a public establishment to eat, we still get situations like this that proves that we’ve got a LONG way to go before racism is truly dead in this country

  9. Its a shame…..tell you what. Let some of us northerners handle that same situation….we would’ve gone in the kitchen and started cooking……..

  10. Ever since the Trayvon Martin case took the nation by storm, angry conservative extremists, both white and black, have accused black people of being racist after demanding George Zimmerman stand trial for the death of the teen. These same extremists have labeled the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson as “race-hustlers.” After the Zimmerman acquittal, many blacks were angry at the jury’s verdict of not guilty. Some went to social media to post their response. Of course, conservative websites picked up these rants and posted on their websites to show their base the “violent nature” of black people.
    Well, look who is doing the race-hustling now. The conservative media and websites have been posting daily the deaths of whites by the hands of blacks. They are using the deaths of Chris Lane, the Australian athlete who was shot to death in Oklahoma by three teens, and the beating death of 88-year-old WWII veteran Delbert Belton by two teens in Spokane, Washington to show conservative extremists the violent nature of blacks-how convenient they left out the shooting deaths of movie-goers in Aurora, Colorado, and the murders of innocent children at Sandy Hook. Let me state that I condone ALL senseless murders regardless of race. Murders have no place in society.
    Let’s break this down
    The conservative media and their hosts are 100% responsible for spreading this “blacks attacking whites” mentality. They know exactly what they are doing. They are playing to that base of ignorant people.
    They are telling their base that blacks are attacking whites as “punishment” for the Zimmerman acquittal. Now we have this hysteria that groups of blacks are going around attacking whites for no reason.
    What can you do about this?
    First, I strongly recommend calling out the conservative media, Fox News and conservative hosts publicly. Tell them you are on to their race-base scare tactics, and you will not tolerate it. Secondly, I would send numerous Tweets to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and inform him this scare tactic will cause the GOP to lose in 2016. Tweet him at @Reince. You may think to yourselves, “They don’t care.” Believe me. They do take this seriously. They know in the next few decades minorities will be the majority. I’ve been in the political game for years. Trust me on this one.
    If you don’t take action now, cases like the restaurant incident will continue to grow. Only you can stop this madness.

  11. The problem lies with the brothers and sisters mentality, sometimes I really think they like to be treated like yesterdays’ slaves. Why do you constantly patronized White establishments faithfully, give your hard earned money to these folks only to be treated like crap? And then cry about it when you’re mis-treated. There’s something wrong with that thinking. Here’s a better idea. Why not pool your monies together and open up your own businesses, and patronize them? Keep some of that hard earn money in your own community, and then tell those white folks to kiss your natural black ass!No problem,stop being reactive, shit be proactive!

  12. I did not see any where in this story from the person who published it, told it or commented in it, that these group of people were being rude or disrespectful, prior to the manager asking them to leave. With that being said, the reality is…with customer service like that, I would not want to eat there, anyway. This is awful and what’s even more disturbing is corporate assuming a free meal would replace the integrity and expectation of appropriate customer service skills in this post segregation time we live in.To create a sense of fake fairness, with thoughts of certain kind of people not being welcome, they use the “we reserve the right to not service you” and refusal to comply is subject to penalties by law. There is no cut and dry reason for refusal to serve someone. It is totally subjective. In addition no sane person I know would want to STAY in a restaurant where they have made it clear that they do not want to serve you; and or… EVEN… become subjected to being fined/arrested for trespassing, disorderly conduct or loitering.

  13. Those who carry racism in their hearts are blind. Now, how much money did this stupid manager turned away? 25 people with an average of about $15 to $20 x 25 = $375 to $500. This manager rejected that amount of money to make one caucasian customer comfortable does not make good business sense. On top of that, all of the business they will loose because of this situation. I WILL NEVER EAT THERE AGAIN.

  14. These niggers were probably making a scene – being loud and obnoxious. Good for the restaurant manager asking these scum to leave and let CIVILIZED people enjoy their dinner.

  15. So you are saying, I should be afraid of strange looking white people because they might be packing an assault weapons with 500 rounds if ammunition and ready to shoot. Does that sound strange or is that reality.People wake up and make sure you vote, otherwise you will find you are getting off the slave ship. Peace.

  16. Fucking niggers were probably making a scene, as usual – yelling and trying to drw attention to their pathetic selves. Good for the manger for kicking their dirty asses out.

  17. MWhiteman – Were you there? I am sure that is what YOU see taking place. Your just as bad as the people who claimed they made them feel “threatened”. It’s easy to assume that all African American people go around cussing and acting “disorderly”.

  18. @MWhitman …have u been to WWC..Its a sports bar..If the ppl were being disorderly..They should of been asked to leave b4 waiting two hrs..RACISM is the factor in this situation..Ppl judging by the color of skin n stereostype!

  19. I gotta say something as a black woman who used to work in the restaurant industry years ago. This may piss some black people off but I am being totally real here. There are generally 2 types of black people in large groups when they go out to eat in a restaurant. They are either easy going, cool and respectful or loud , obnoxious and demanding especially when they are young.Primarily when they are young. It hurts me to say that but it is true sometimes. There is a possibility that they must have came in and put people off somehow and were asked to leave, and because it was probably all whites in the restaurant they assumed it was because of race and was offended. Alot of people in groups never think they are being loud or offensive because everyone in their group is acting the same way, so it’s easy to see how things can get this way.I guess we will find out the truth soon! I have seen groups of black people walk into a restaurant and start creating chaos with demands , complaints, over the top laughter and other aggressive annoyances that ruin the dining experience for everyone else, including other black families trying to enjoy their food. they act like they don’t care and even get louder when they see people getting uncomfortable. Not to mention the urban legend that is mostly true the blacks are the worst tippers on Earth, although in this case a party of 25 will instantly get gratuity added to the bill, unless they planned to pay separately which most people do to avoid tipping correctly.
    On the other hand I have seen white waiters and bartenders treat black couples like crap and judge them before they even sit down, because they automatically assume they wont get tipped. I have seen that alot and I never liked it or tolerated it and would go out of my way to make sure they were taken care of.
    I myself have seen the way people react when I go out to eat wit my sisters, and sometimes we have been treated very badly even though we all are all great tippers.
    When it comes to business, I think most restaurants nowadays could care less about peoples race. They just want to make money, but unfortunately blacks and Europeans are known in the industry for being the worst tippers and people who live on tips do not want to bother with difficult customers who don’t tip them in the end. Europeans are not as guilty because they come from a culture where tipping in restaurants does not exist. So they get a pass sometimes but blacks don’t. They know better and they still don’t tip right alot of times. It sucks but that is just the way it is. Sorry to be so honest but you have to look at this from all sides.

  20. MWhitman, you made an amazing, racist assumption. I am a Black man with obviously a Black family and had it been my family none, NONE of what you ascribe to this family would be true. Get a grip. And a life

  21. Well, well, well…so the WILD WING folks in North Charleston made a very poor decision that now leaves black patrons with little choice but to STOP GOING TO AND SPENDING MONEY ON THE WILD WINGS establishment (which could include all 33 of its locations nationwide).
    If one person can influence a management decision like this then it is unfortunate and unfair, and should prompt everyone who believes this is wrong to stand up and speak with their wallet and let WILD WINGS commit the senseless acts of unlawful discrimination without also benefitting by discriminating AND raking in good people’s money for profit.

  22. Interesting. Whitman totally makes up a completely hypothetical scenario, decides it’s fact and then says the restaurant was completely right and he’d be happy to eat there. I’m SURE he doesn’t consider himself a racist though.

  23. 25 People wait paitently and quietly for 2 hours in a restaurant? Yeah SURE! LOLThey would have been complaining how long it was taking the whole time and were finally asked to leave.Fickin Sooks!

  24. Manager made a big mistake. Party of 25 to 1 threatened. I’m terribly sorry that you feel threatened, let me get you a to-go box so you can leave, and the drinks are on us! Party of 25, right this way, your tables are ready!! I am from the Human Race, and don’t believe in racism; yes, I know it’s still around; but there are better ways of handling these kinds of situations, starting with calm is the first rule. And don’t start filming, just because you feel slighted, that just inflames the situation quicker. No one wins when feathers get ruffled!!

  25. Hey MWhitman,You don’t get to say “what actually happened” then immediately follow that with something that “most likely” took place. Either you know they were a boisterous, controversial group during their wait or you don’t. To anyone with a shred of common sense, it looks like you’re firmly in group 2, and thus contributing to the problem.

  26. When businesses stay up ignorance and racism. They need not to be patronized. America will never come to the conclusion and understand that the color of your skin does not determine your character.

  27. @mWhitman-“What he says happened: White man felt uncomfortable so they kicked our family out.
    What actually happened: 2 hours of families most likely enduring the word “nigga, slang, and curse words” in a family oriented restaurant, families get uncomfortable and a dad says something to the manager, manager says something to black family they have to leave.”
    Do you have physical (auditory) proof that type of conversation occurred? Were you there? Unless you’ve got actual verbatim proof, you’re saying Hearsay!

  28. Tios is why the south is still stuck in the south ways. I will never feel welcome there or move to the south. This restaurant disgusts me and I will never go there. This behavior should not be tolerated so much really has not changed since the 1960’s.

  29. It’s time Black people woke up, and realize how some people are trying to turn the clock back. We need to unite and stop this injustice that a lot of blacks are going through. You either stand for something or fall for anything.

  30. MWhitman, your explanation is a load of crap. #1, They were waiting OUTSIDE, so even if their convo made this racist “uncomfortable”, how would they hear the convo through the walls of the restaurant???? #2, you clearly miss the point of free speech. Myself or anyone in that group can say whatever the hell they want. I want to know if you think their imaginary convo shouldn’t be said out loud, what about these racist Congressman and state reps saying things that make others uncomfortable? Do you think they deserve to be kicked out of places as well? Or what about white people that use slang and curse words, because according to you, only large groups of black people do that. Your assumption is ignorant and has no basis. This was clearly racism, which is what this country was built upon and is alive and well today. Maybe you should go back and read the article and work on your own prejudices.

  31. Are we really supposed to believe that they waited “peacefully” for a table for TWO HOURS? Really??!!

  32. MWhitman, you didn’t disclose your own race, but let me guess, you are as White as I am. (I’m mostly Scandinavian, with a liberal Quaker family history). The only difference, is that I read your comment and it has a typical racist undertone. You don’t seem to think that a family going to a family restaurant couldn’t be respectful of that atmosphere, because they have more Melanin than you and I have? That is the root of racism, and it is the typical attitude that minorities have been fighting since Jim Crow laws were instituted and repealed.The difference between us, is that I am more willing to accept that, especially in SC, racism is the only underlying cancer of the mind that caused this family, and their undoubtedly large bill and appropriate tip to be kicked out.The manager needs to be replaced, the better thing to do would be to ask the customer who “felt threatened” if they wanted to be moved to a different section of the restaurant, so they were not sitting near the large family. If that were not good enough, then I’d thank that customer for their business, give them their bill and a to-go box. They could then leave the restaurant and finish eating their dinner elsewhere, away from the family that they felt threatened them by breathing in the same space. Ignorance, racism, bigotry, and their underlying xenophobia must be fought with education and must be eradicated. Xenophobia is a mental disease that must be fought and conquered.

  33. I was never a fan of them anyway. Now this restaurant will not be on my list if this is not a joke on 50th anniversary of march on washington.

  34. That’s sad but its reality. One person caused this party of 25 not to patronize this restaurant. Plus, they had too put it in the media to get a responds on this matter.

  35. I am confident that there were 2 hours of disorderly conduct (aka hootin’ and hollerin’) and profanity (aka N****-bombs plus other words).
    I am sure it was multiple white patrons and multiple restaurant employees that agreed with the decision to deny them service.
    But how convenient to make this a “racial issue”.

  36. Asking 25 patronizing Black customers to leave a restaurant because of 1 Black phobia White customer doesn’t make good business sense.

  37. Wow….sounds like some stupidity that could AND has very well.have happened in my hometown….Danville VA. Last home of the Confederacy and THATs well.spoken of around here. So sorry u experienced this sir. It’s sad Nd THREATENING. I teuly believe feel and see America regressing to its ways of ols…and I feel threatened in ways a WhItE man ir woman will never know.

  38. I am just as sure that had there been any misbehavior, management would have used it in defense of themselves. All of you who have decided what happened without being there and without getting any information otherwise are just as racist as they come. You are the problem with the country. Nobody else. It seems you can’t carry on a conversation without cursing and calling names, all the while complaining that that is what a family did when there is no evidence of such. Narrow minded behavior and stupid, unlinked thought processes.

  39. Why do I have a feeling there’s more to this story than meets the eye? I understand that people like to believe in fairy tales, but this one takes the cake. Am I to believe that ONE customer’s complaint was taken this seriously, and that a party of 25 who were sitting quietly, minding their own business and being polite, were told to HIT THE ROAD because the manager of a restaurant doesn’t like Black people? That’s a crock, if I ever heard one.
    More likely, a customer saw a group of 25 being loud and obnoxious (which anyone who’s ever been in a restaurant can tell you is ALWAYS the case with a group of more than 4 people), and asked that they be seated elsewhere. When the manager tried to sit them where they didn’t want to go, they started crying RACISM and videotaping and hollering. And at THAT point, they were asked to leave for being jerks. We’ll never know the true story, of course, because the P.R. people will just apologize and try to avoid further bad publicity.

    • Absolutely. These had to be the first black people he ever saw. That’s why there hadn’t been a complaint before. Shame on the media for jumping on one side of the story throwing the race card just trying to start a fight…

  40. How long God, how long? This type of behavior should be brought to the President of the United States and see if he can get in.

  41. if you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything…including a free meal.. dont sell your birth right for a bowl of soup

  42. A free meal for 25 people ain’t nothing to sneeze at. I know where people are going with this but as a person that works retail that would be the standard reply. If they’re expecting millions…that ain’t gonna happen. Wrong? Yes On behalf of THAT person! The corporation didn’t say those words. It was THAT person.i just don’t see them receiving more than what they expected in the first place. A meal. And this time…it will be free.

  43. Well, there’s no shortage of white people here making up stories about what they imagined happened, with absolutely no facts to back them up. I’m a middle-aged white guy, but people like these make me ashamed to be one. The comments here alone tell me racism is alive and well in America even though I (thankfully) never have to experience it myself.

  44. White people can be so damn ignorant and paranoid… nobody is looking at you or cares about you anyway! Always watching the blacks…. Get a damn life. Watch your own! @Arlene, Monica and Sofia your parents raised monkeys, and you hoes don’t have a damn clue so “f” yourselves! I myself tip very well, I’m black and not loud but can get ignorant when addressed improperly by scum like you putting people down for no reason. Why are we black people being called monkeys? I def don’t look like a monkey. I will never go to Buffalo Wild Wings went once and the food is not got good, the mgr. was out of line the other customer should have left if he was so damn scared, paranoid ass honkies, looking like wet dogs! Not all of you just the racist ones!

  45. Well you know what? That’s why their racist asses will be frying wings and fish for the rest of their lives. And you’ll always get some racist ass white man like the one that commented earlier, having not been there, but so certain that those uncivilized niggas must have done something for them not to get served. There’s no way that there’s 20 black in the whole United States that speak proper English (whatever the fuck that is), that don’t use the “N” word, that have advanced degrees, that are well dressed and still not be served. I got news for your white ass MWiteman, my fraternity brothers and I, a group of well dressed black men didn’t get refused services, be we did encounter a bunch of old redneck, stupid ass, old white people in Myrtle Beach South Carolina that couldn’t believe their eyes. A group of 700 well dressed black men at a convention in a nice resort hotel. Surely that’s not possible. Get the fuck out of here, and get over your dumb ass racism or just admit to it, and then shut the fuck up. We don’t care what you think.

  46. its a shame to see how many racist ppl comment on this post. Im black, Loud AND DEMANDING but i always tip well. and the only way to know if those “black monkeys” would have tipped is if the “ALBINO MONKEYS” served them MONICA… and as for u MWhitman… were you there?????

  47. The person that told the group to leave should b fired and sued!the white person who felt threaten should of been the one to leave!and need to stay in the house if they r that scared!smdh

  48. I totally agree with him? It’s runs too deep to keep patronizing these Honkey Tonkin establishments and to keep being denied our rights is absolutely deplorable? Racism is deeper than ever in this country and when we as black Americans start sticking together and helping each other like the others(undercover)? Then we can get some much needed “Respect”.

  49. This is just a sign of our buying power in America. If we want America to respect us then we must develop our own and support our own. Don’t force people to take our money and make them rich. Have enough respect for ourselves that we never spend another dime at Buffalo Wild Wings. Boycott Buffalo Wild Wings and they will know our respect is worth more than a chicken wing.

  50. In response to mwhitman (August 24): you are what is wrong with this issue. If they were using obscenities or foul language, the establishment would have asked them to leave earlier than the 2 hours they waited. I am white and grew up in a very white area. It disgusts me that people are so ignorant in this day and age. I have nothing against any other race/creed/religion/origin, as long as they treat all others with respect. What one gives, out will always come back to them in some way, shape, or form.

  51. I went to Texas 2 years ago (my grandson was there in the air force) and I and my family were treated the same we waited at all the restraints we went to for 3-4 hours the only place we got served in a reasonable time was McDonalds. I will never to Texas again or a wild wing restaurant. Or any other restaurant that let their employees treat other people this way. They should have asked the person who complained to leave that would have been the right thing to do.

  52. This restaurant has done this before. A couple of years ago we had a going away dinner for a coworker. It was 15 of us and we experienced the same thing discrimination . We did eat, but the service was horrible. To the women that thinks this won’t go any further than a free meal., you’re crazy as hell. your people has made a “sue me” country. This the games begin.


  54. Lawsuit
    Al Sharpton
    Immediate action against the employee
    I will spread the WORD
    They will never receive my support ever…Besides every time that my family has visited, it takes a very long time to be served…disgusting acts
    SHAME on Wild Wings

  55. I love Wild Wings Café, but because I am a black man, who goes peacefully to patronize their establishment, I find this act appalling. I will not patronize this establishment any more.

  56. Apparently Wild Wings employees or management have had NO training on diversity. In the diverse world that we live in this is needed. The ability to interact with everyone equally will strengthen with this training.

  57. No sane person or group of people/family, whatever color, would wait at a restaurant for two hours for any reason. Didn’t happen as stated, don’t care who you are, it isn’t believable…try again.

  58. ALL of yall yea i said all blk or white I really dont give a fk. yall need to b worried about the qar tjat we bout to go to with Syria and stand together im tired of all this dumb shit for real idc who u r get over it. jeeze

  59. al sharpton wtf ever needs to get a fucking life u r a nobody just someone always wanting to throw lawsuit haha plzzzz go on

  60. This is sad I feel bad because being a career waitress and African American that there is no end to the bs. You down us cause you think were not good workers, then on the other end me and my family are not good enough to eat in an industry where I make my money in the first place. Topping on the cake my husbands Latino so what example are you showing my children… learn to be tolerant because were all in this together whether you like it or not, I just know what I teach my family, and hope yall have enough since to GET WITH THE TIMES. ALL THAT OTHER STUFF IS THE PAST. LEARN AND GROW UP THE WORLDS MOVING ON THE ONLY THING THATS NOT IS YOU AND HELLO TOMORROW AINT PROMICED TO YA

  61. Peewee… You don’t make any sense. Perhaps it is precisely because you are white that you find it hard to believe anyone is really discriminated against. Perhaps it just is not part of your experience…But then you talk about “them” and your politics become apparent. Who exactly is going to invade us when our country starts to become more just? And how on earth did you go there?

  62. Such a darn shame things like this still happen, but they happen more often than they are reported. I hate the South.

  63. I agree that it is deeper than an apology. We must not accept because I’m caught, I will say I’m sorry as a valid excuse, but we must demand better behavior period.

  64. It sounds like the host/waitress decided a large group (groups don’t tip well generally) wasn’t worth the hassle of dealing with the offended individual. This was a cowardly move. If someone is threatened, that is on them. Did this individual actually think the large group was there to rob the place? I can’t believe they were indulged in this ridiculousness. That said, if you are made to wait, with a reservation, more than 30 minutes for anything but the most gourmet food, you are being mistreated. Walk away and find another establishment that has it more together.

  65. We celebrate the March on Washington and still face many of the same racial issues.Economics is powerful!!! Use your voting power and finances to disable elements of racism. I don’t know all the details but waiting two hours to be served would have made me have a conversation with management. My question to you were others being served while you were waiting that may have entered the premises before you arrived?We must be vigilant In monitoring acts of this nature, We are living in times where the constitution of the United States does not honor or respect people of colorLucretia

  66. I would like to thank this young man for posting this. I have family that I visit in Charleston and I will be sure never to patronize this business. If you discriminate against one of us you discriminate against all of us. Thank you so much for the info it is time they realize that we are human beings also.

  67. What each of those people should do is take $1000 and invest in a wing restaurant of their own. Either open on of their own or invest in someone else’s…

  68. Have we heard from the manager or customer that complained? No? Then why is everyone just accepting the black guy’s story that this is all based on race? Maybe the group was being unruly.
    The fact is large groups of black people are often (though not always) loud and obnoxious. I know, I know. I’m a terrible racist and bigot and how dare I paint the entire black race with that brush.
    The reason blacks struggle so much in this country is because any time someone points out their inappropriate behavior that person is immediately labeled a racist (or uncle tom). This allows, even encourages, the bad behavior to continue. It’s really sad and the CONSTANT cries of racism are getting so old.

  69. When will this stop, this is 2013, just once I would like to see the tables turn and so white people would know what it feels like to be discriminated

  70. I wonder if the people were white and the one person that felt threatened was BLACK.would the outcome be the same.probably not.Its 2013 people Let’s STOP THE STUPID Sh*t.

  71. I hope they do not go back and patronize this restaurant. They depend on our dollars, even if they do not say it. Please keep your dignity they think they can treat us any way they wan . Embarrass us and as long as the person that did not do the offense apologizes, then it is suppose to make things all better. No it does not because it will be the next establishment discriminating and the next. Patronize our restaurants and our establishments. Keep green dollars in black hands Period.

  72. wow really I don’t know if i’m more pissed off at the manager, the person who felt threaten or the two racist idiots heartless ass bitches monica&sophia with they stupid ass comments yall might as well put on some white hoods like the kkk you fuckin cowards…anyway …that incident is terrible if it happen like that…just sad..wild wings you should be ashame…I will say I dnt think they were sitting there quietly but it’s still fucked up…monica&sophia bring yall asses to Oakland with that bs…see what happens fuckin crackers!

  73. Boycotting Wild Wings Cafè. Let’s not get it confused with Buffalo Wild Wings. People it is Real out there.

  74. What do you expect ………there in Charleston, SC…….I growing up with a white mother and black father, I have experienced racism first hand . Racism and discrimination has been here since the start of time. And it will be here till this world ends…..

  75. This touched my heart especially just by me going to the show on yesterday to see The Butler….. Please keep me posted & I will be passing the word of NOT SUPPORTING this franchise……

  76. There is no confirmation of these events from anyone but the complainants and has anyone ever heard of Radio News before today?
    I have no idea this happened or happened the way it was told. Could have been.

  77. As a gesture of solidarity, everyone reading this news worthy information should boycott this establishment to show that we, as a society, black and white, are not going to accept this type of behavior. Wouldn’t you think it would have been easier to move the people who felt threatened by the large crowd, than trying to seat the 25 patrons somewhere else, because, of course, they would have had to wait another 2/more hours to be accommodated? Let’s show that “one voice” does make a difference.

  78. Wow refusing 25 for 1… instead of refusing that 1 for her request…The manager doesn’t know business!

  79. people that agree with this manager’s reaction and action to oust this family have the same mentality as her and the complaining customer assume she had reason.. . when you are with family that a different mind set. why is it so hard to be believe it takes 2-3 hrs to seated when you are large group at popular place? let not say racism because that sheds the light the action. but if you have not had the experience of being treated differently then you will never know the concept. being treated differently because of your skin is much worst then being treated differently because of gender or sexual preference (stop your mind before it EVEN go there.)first she needs to be educated in (racial profiling–sorry can’t use race) handling customer service of people of different color, language,etc.the corporate office need to feel the power of the dollar.(boycott)and let it be known. because just not go doesn’t mean anything.

  80. The resturant should have thrown out that one customer who felt threatened, in favor of the big pile of cash that the 25 people waiting would have spent in the resturant

  81. MWhitman – with all do respect, you are part of the problem.Racism exists.If the party was causing a problem, they’d have been ejected long before.You weren’t there, but you are judging the situation based upon…?You’ve not met any member of the waiting party, but you’ve decided what their behavior must have been and judged them before knowing anything about them.Judging a person or person’s character before knowing the facts is prejudging.Yeah – that’s the origin of that word.You’re guilty..

  82. They all should have went inside and made this statement “ALL WHITE RACIST PEOPLE IF YOUR AFRAID OF ME BECAUSE IM BLACK,PLEASE LEAVE”NO, for real its Very Sad!

  83. All I can say is WOOOW ! In 2013 ?? REALLY ?? So ONE ignorant racist can have an establishment REFUSE service to a group of people because of their SKIN COLOR ?? Ok then, since they don’t want our (blacks) business, let’s take our GREEN money elsewhere !

  84. Racism is truly a disease. The irrational fear some have at the sight of blacks gathered together should be diagnosable. It is a psychological issue from within the individual who has the irrational fear. Therefore, her sick ass should have been the one asked to leave.

  85. We are only hearing one side of the story. Can’t pass judgement saying the white man is racist till you hear the other side. Heck, we don’t even know that the other person is white. It’s racist to assume he is white.

  86. If you listen to some of the news shows they insist racism does not exist but they are not the targets of the racism so how would they know we as African Americans deal with it on a daily basis

  87. In Charleston, SC there are a lot of these cases going on, I am happy that he took the initiative to publicly announce his situation . A lot of is just brush it off and keep moving because it is a part of our everyday life. Hopefully this makes other people aware that they too can get justice.#speakoutloudsourheard

  88. I am a white woman, I feel the white person should have been ask to leave. I thinkwe are going backwards.

  89. Wild Wing Cafe is a money-grubbing corporation and I don’t care who feels uncomfortable, WWC isn’t going to turn-away 25 paying (although probably non-tipping) customers because one person feels uncomfortable. I’m calling bullshit on this story.

  90. This group needs to stage a formal boycott. We suffered this treatment at diner counters in the 60s. Young people must keep the pressure on the moral conscious of white America or suffer their at will indignation.

  91. Bigots will now be the ones waiting to be seated. South Cowlina is swarming with them and they must support their Arian brethren. After a couple of weeks, the racist a-holes will forget all about this. (Heck, most of them are blaming President Obama for what Bush did.) Business will then plummet at Wild Wing Café and no one will ever have to wait to be seated again!

  92. You folks take these people to court or do whatever you have to do, because this is unmitigated BS!!! I’m 48-years-old and white, and while it disturbs me to hear one of you say “Don’t go back to sleep, My People” I have to admit that this restaurant has set us back, ONCE AGAIN, when progress was finally starting to be made.When I was in my early 30’s, I visited a “Popeye’s Chicken” in Memphis, TN where I experienced my first racial discrimination of this very same kind. I waited in line like everyone else, but when my time came to step up and order, the girl at the counter called the person behind me up and waited on her, and on every “person of color” that walked in the door after that. Only after I was the last person to be waited on did she take my order. When I tried to object, I was simply ignored. It’s a terrible feeling and it makes you feel less than human. I’m grateful for the experience today though, because I can say that I’ve experienced racial discrimination, and I KNOW how it feels first hand.While this is a bad situation, please, don’t set us back to the 60’s with race riots and whatnot. Sue the hell out of these folks, because this action was illegal. That’s the reason that the laws are in place. And even while S.C can be a little backwater in regards to race relations, the laws should still hold up in a case like this. Take these bastards to the bank, but don’t blame the whole white race for this instance. I know that myself personally, as well as many others, are behind whatever action you take 100 percent!

  93. Why was the shift manager not fired. How is it protocol to refuse service because a patron is nervous because of black faces. This isn’t the fifties or sixties. Why was the white patron not nervous about white patrons one of them may have been a serial killer mass murderer psychopath or serial rapist or bomber.

  94. I wonder if a person of color could ask that same restaurant to deny a white person service because they felt threatened by their presence…and have that request granted???!!! Hells NO

  95. That’s what you need to do to these businesses,expose them in the media internationally.hit them where it hurts,their wallets.funny how they never responded until it was exposed on social media.also very typical for them to offer a free meal,it’s actually insulting if you ask me.whoever that person was who complained ought to be banned for an amount of time and the manager fired.

  96. This happens more than is being reported and I am glad you put this situation on fb. Now the owners want to talk because money is involved. We have so much power and don’t exercise it. The power of the dollar. Cudos for you and the group

  97. I don’t believe, the black people were sitting quietly for 2 hours, that’s bullshit, some whites came in, not a party of 25, and someone in the party of 25, said some shit to them!! Get Real it’s 2013, somone in that part said some shit!!! That’s why they were asked to leave!!

  98. Nationwide there should be a boycott of this establishment. Not just from A frican Americans but from anyone who despises racism. Perhaps after they(the company) take the ass whuppin in the pocket, they will vhoose a better way of doing business.

  99. This is a manager who will surely lose a job. 25 people ready to spend money at your restaurant and you ask them to leave? From the headline I assumed we were talking about 25 gangsters or something but this is merely a family out for dinner. The very best kind of crowd to have walk into your restaurant. The manager is stupid and we can’t let stupid people define our civilization.

  100. @MWhiteman…. Had this families been unruly for two hours they would have been asked to leave long before. Since the White folks were uncomfortable, they should have gotten their pink asses up, paid their bill, and got the fuck on. Simple as that. So don’t make this about unruly Black folks when it really racist white folks. Get it right.

  101. For all the white people out there saying that the black people were probably cursing and carrying on thats why the one white person felt offended is pure BS. Wild Wings Cafe has never really been a family oriented place where you can just go and be peaceful and have a serene time. Its a bar where white people go and get pissy drunk and act beligerent. I work at a hotel near a Wild Wings and thats all that happens there. Its a place to have fun and drink and watch games. South Carolina restaurants are known for this type of racial profiling. South Carolina is still full of racism and its sickening to see.

  102. first, no apology could get me back to that restaurant. SHUT THEM DOWN. No one should ever eat there again. It won’t stop there. We just keep excepting this shit. No place for it in our generation. Step up and say no more

  103. You’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers.

  104. Don’t know all the facts of the story, but at one point a video tape was introduced to validate some of this story for either side. But my comment is really for the racist ignorant people we have in this world. If you don’t like our kind, I am black then take your dumb asses somewhere else because since you are intelligent you do realize we are not going anywhere. Your comments and lack of intelligence will only hurt you and your kids. You will be teaching them a practice that when you are dead and gone will do them of no use. Most of you on here that keeps calling blacks or any other race racial names never do it to the person’s face. You are cowards and for all you christian’s GOD sees all and you will have to answer to him for your blatant disrespect of the bible and his ways. So to all my intelligent people, never let ignorance detour you from being the good person you are. There are bad people in every race, but who are we to judge. And to all you racial idiots, I pray you are never in trouble and a black person is the only one there to save you because I bet you will be begging for help, you fake social media thugs.

  105. You mean to tell me that a crowd of 25 automatically constitutes a boisterous group? If the manager felt so inclined to ask them to leave because one customer said something, i guarantee you if they were behaving inappropriately the other people in the waiting area where they were for 2 HOURS would’ve already complained. Im reading the comments and whats funny to me is, there are only a few white ppl who are actually telling the racists ones up here with their fractured ideology about black ppl and saying nigger how f*ked they’re being but the majority are saying nothing! They would rather argue with anyone who is trying to be civil and point out the facts. I wish a group of drunk white kids would’ve come in right behind them and tore the place to shreds. Oh, i forgot, young white kids aren’t rowdy, they never do stupid shit(They’re the reason youtube was created lol)…..i guess i can assume that whenever i see a group of 25 or more white folks together that their either gonna have an orgy, they’re a flash mob, a hoedown is about to start, they’re about to erect a skate park or its the zombie apocalypse….yeah see how stupid that sounds?

  106. Don’t just let it go like that. You have a class action suit and everyone of you must pursue it. It may be a long journey but you also are representing people everywhere. Let it be known that this simply will not be tolerated. The manager should be fired. A monetary settlement should also come from the corporate office and if not, a lawyer must handle. This type of behavior has got to stop. Keep putting Wild Wings on blast until your voice is heard and let them know you mean business! Frankly speaking Wild Wings food sucks!

  107. The shift manager should be fired … not for discrimination, but stupidity.
    Who kicks out a party of 25 people willing to spend money for that size party for 1 – one – person who has no reasonable basis for their complaint?

  108. And luckychucky, i dont believe you for a second, the manager would’ve spoke up about that and other patrons would’ve corroborated that story. These young folks are speaking intelligently, why would they have even went this far if they had been making a scene like that? Show me your proof, they have theirs..

  109. REPLYING TO: Anonymous Posted August 25, 2013 at 9:00 AM: ” I don’t believe, the black people were sitting quietly for 2 hours, that’s bullshit, some whites came in, not a party of 25, and someone in the party of 25, said some shit to them!! Get Real it’s 2013, somone in that part said some shit!!! That’s why they were asked to leave!! “Did you just not read the article or are you really that stupid? I’m assuming the latter since you can’t even type in complete sentences. It specifically says in the story that they were asked to leave AFTER one of the people in their group started videotaping the conversation. The person who said something was already seated! You’re right, it is 2013 and that means we shouldn’t have to hear or deal with this type of discrimination crap nowadays. It’s a damn shame, makes me embarrassed to say I live in this state.

  110. …and the white customer couldn’t just leave instead? Good grief. I could see a reason for asking a whole group of people (no matter the color of their skin) to leave, if people were acting like they were on Jerry Springer, but the author said they were peacefully waiting to be served. Shame on the manager, for giving in to this one person. I was hoping that all this prejudice between white and blacks would die out with the older generation and we would be free to live in peace. This article heading is correct in that social media has true power. Unfortunately, sometimes social media is used to further polarize people, instead of bringing them together. My parents taught me to look at people by how they treated me and others, not by the color of their skin. And, for those who don’t know me, I’m a 50 year old white woman. (:

  111. He used “peaceably”, “peacefully”, and “patiently” repeatedly. Methinks he doth protest too much. It’s hard to believe that a group of 25 of anybody waited “peaceably”, “peacefully”, or “patiently” for two hours, much less 25 young black people. Taking it with a grain of salt…

  112. Why would management allow one to rule 25 why did she not tell the one person to leave if they had a problem ? You can’t fix this with free food it is deeper an the possibility of where this could have gone because management got angry what if the rolls were reverse?

  113. As. a Retired,Combat,Disable,Veteran I fought in a war so that this establishment could have the right to refuse guest. However, I will NOT go to a place that still practice racism!

  114. This place should be picketed every day until they are shut down or satisfied with whatever the company offers them.

  115. this goes on all the time every time we say racistim they say oh no you all need to get over it , get over wat how you teach the same stupidity to you kids, and the next generation, is why it will never end until God interviens on our behave.

  116. I am a white 28 year old Marinevliving in Chesapeake Va just 2 weeks ago I walked into a “black barber shop” sat there for over an hour while customers cam and went an I was never helped. When I complained all the barbers said “your in the wrong neighborhood”. All the black patrons laughed like it was the funniest thing they ever heard…..but I just walked away….ignorance is color blind!!!

  117. What restaurant manager would do this, without documenting the fact or basis for doing so, based totally on the word of one customer? That is just incompetence. Without that evidence, of course this looks like blatant racism. Maybe they were being loud and obscene, maybe not, but without documenting the evidence of that, the controversy is well deserved. If I had to be an a-hole and judge based just on that picture of the group standing in the rain, they sure don’t look like a bunch of thugged up loudmouths, they look like JPF. (Just Plain Folks.) Post a sign in the restaurant: “Loud and obscene guests will be asked to leave. We will record instances to document our request. If you disagree with this policy, then eat somewhere else that doesn’t have this policy.” Send the ass’t manager to Radio Shack, spend the $35 necessary for the little recorder. If a group is being loud and obscene, record the evidence, then ask them to leave. You’re covered. Compare to this sad alternative: “A customer complained for whatever unknown reason. So we asked a group of 25 to leave.”

  118. A free meal is not the answer. That’s very condescending and ignores the big issue sitting in the middle of the room. What will they do when the next white customer makes the same request? That worker should have been fired, an apology made, and a party given at ww expense. I’ll never eat there again because of this incident.

  119. Racism is truly a disease. The irrational fear, repulsion or intolerance some people have at the sight of being around a person of another race or as in this example, “blacks gathered together”, should be diagnosable in the DSM. It is a psychological issue from within the individual who has the irrational fear. Therefore, her sick ass should have been the one asked to leave and referred to a therapist.

  120. Sitting here read some dumbass comments mainly folks saying they probably would of been loud and annoying in a family restaurant. Really?!!!! It’s fucking wild wings cafe not ah family restaurant y’all white folks dumb as hell y’all loud as hell too screaming, yelling woohoo bro!!! Fuck y’all let someone tell me and my people I can’t sit down and eat and I didn’t do anything wrong ima tear that bitch up !!!!!!

  121. @ Sofia and Monica: You coward crackers must think that someone must want to be around your funky asses. Bitch I would not spit in your mouth if you needed a drink of water to live. I am just as hateful as your asses, but with a twist, bitch: I will lay your asses out totally if you get in my way or disrespect me…How!

  122. I could have told you that Wild Wing Cafe hires a certain type of people with a style of thinking that is not mainstream. If you want to define that style of thinking as racist then so be it.

  123. It saddens me to say that I am not surprised, by the injustice coming out of North Carolina. under the terrorist tea party branch of the Republican Party. Jim Crow laws once again rule. from vote registration, to a woman’s right to choose, we know best. as far as the restaurant/Wild wings, stop patronizing. Support businesses that respect you.

  124. Well, Mr. Brown, you can count me in as one whose family will never go there again. I live just outside of North Charleston. I am shocked at this story and hope the publicity really opens their eyes as to what they did!!! And–yes—I am white.

  125. What about the assumption here that the “white” person was uncomfortable because of skin color? I think there is more to this story and I just can’t see a manager kicking them out because someone is “uncomfortable” with no further explanation. The fact that the people in this group normally go to the establishment with no issues I think says a lot, they have come to expect great service and have not been hated on in the past. Again, something is being looked over… this is not to say that racism isn’t real but in this case “uncomfortable” doesn’t cut it for any logical human being.

  126. This is 2013. No wonder I never ventured to Charleston. Discrimination cannot be tolerated. This day and age, we use our heads. Social media can bring a company down. Buffalo Wild Wings lost a customer here. So sad! Free meal, how about an open Apology to the Brown family, and fire the manager. Apparently she didn’t need the job based on her behavior!

  127. Reminiscent of Woolworth’s lunch counter in the last century. This situation is intolerable as the manager and allegedly wronged customer are both intolerant! A situation such as the one described should be brought to the attention of the U.S. Department of Justice. The bigots and tea party must be held responsible for the blatant discrimination and violation of federal laws. President Johnson would not have let these malcontents get away with flaunting the constitution. People are all in your face when THEY perceive THEIR gun rights have been violated. But when it comes to THEIR violation/denial of the rights of others, THEY (tea party/ bigots) are copacetic with the situation.

  128. naggers will b naggers in chappell voice lol always wanting attention omg get over ur selfs as they would say they was probably turned up. and dont go to wild wings no one cares lol aint nobody loosing sleep over it… have a good day im going to eat at wildwings YUM!!!!

  129. 1. Not that I am not angry about this, but the color that counts is green. Send a message to boycott Buffalo Wild Wings in all states.
    2. Get educated on business ownership, pull your talent, funds & resources together to open your own restaurant/businesses and patronize them. Don’t be jealous, expect a discount, be rude to the guest, not open on time, serve inferior product or tear down the establishment once it is opened.
    3. Continue to use social media as way to notify everyone of the continued discrimination, as well as announce quality businesses to support. When you find a good business spread the word and encourage others to support it.
    4. Do what Antoinette said in a previous post ” First, I strongly recommend calling out the conservative media, Fox News and conservative hosts publicly. Tell them you are on to their race-base scare tactics, and you will not tolerate it. Secondly, I would send numerous Tweets to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and inform him this scare tactic will cause the GOP to lose in 2016. Tweet him at @Reince. You may think to yourselves, “They don’t care.” Believe me. They do take this seriously. They know in the next few decades minorities will be the majority. I’ve been in the political game for years. Trust me on this one. – See more at:
    5. Educate your self on politics in your state, county, township or city. Register and then VOTE IN EVERY ELECTION, no matter what roadblock or suppression tactic they use!
    The 2014 Mid-term elections are so important. Learn from the results of failing to vote in 2010.

  130. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. If you feel that strongly about being around black folks, keep you white butt at home locked behind closed doors. I am white and have no problem being around black folks. I grew up with them and my very best friend is black so put your big girl panties on and get over yourself. After all you are only a speck in this world. I can’t believe people are so narrow minded that they can’t even eat in the same restaurant as black folks. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  131. This is the main reason why I never travel,visit or patronize anything in the south (unless I’m compted)..I’m born and raised in NY..I’ve traveled extensively in my line of work but I’ve never experienced any blatant direct racial discrimination that I’m aware of however I’ve always believed that ppl in the deep south ie: (Alabama,Mississippi,Louisiana,Tennessee,Kentucky,the Carolinas,Georgia to name a few) still hv residents who are 65 and over meaning they were teenagers during the race riots and most likely remember Jim Crow laws,fire hoses,bombings,lynchings,German Shepherds,segregation,injustice,corruption etc..,and they had to make a choice at that time to co-exist with their neighbors,they were either racist bigots or probably hated by their white counterparts for going against the grain..I’m sure that 50% of the ppl who hv grown up and lived in these dangerously prejudicial locations were racists & had to unwillingly comply with the civil rights movements of the late 60s to live comfortably with their white counterparts and have those deeply rooted racist thoughts today but know that the world is so self conscious of outright racism that they suppress their true feelings in public situations.Screw the south,there’s prejudice everywhere in this country but why live in places where its outright blatantly exposed and then be surprised?N.Charleston SC?Come on man,hicktown USA..Doesn’t shock me at all..Ppl of color need to remain diligent,progressive,pursue education,own property and businesses,be a decision maker and root out these racists ignorant idiots..South,lmao

  132. Sounds to me like we’re only hearing one side of the story. He’s the only one who’s saying what happened, and how do we know that large group sat there for 2 hours. Without making any noise or causing some type of disturbance. I live in sc, and I can tell you it is NOT always like this. I can’t tell you how many times i’ve gone in a store or gas station and felt scared because there are people in there acting suspicious and cracked out. People need to quit playing victim

  133. okay…soooo is this race baiting, playing the race card or my favorite reverse racism? or maybe we should blame this on obama? because racism OBVIOUSLY doesnt exist anymore *sarcasm*

  134. This is too much. If someone sneezes loudly now ppl might feel threatened? Sheez! I’ll eat by black folks. White ppl, quit being scary!

  135. Things like this will never be published in the paper, so thank goodness for Facebook.
    No, an apology and free meal won’t fix this. And while my first instinct is to pass around a petition to boycott, that will probably just create more division. Certainly WW has to know that this type of behavior is not acceptable – and like the kids in Newtown belong to all of us – the group thrown out is part of all of us too. Someone needs to sit down with WW management and explain the Civil Rights Act and good management. I sent the article out to everyone I know and I’m posting it.

  136. This is very sad that across our nation we still have to encounter things as such. Me myself as a black single mother of 4. 2 girls an 2 boys. My daughters are some what at advantage over my boys because as young black males they are the ones that are highly statistic. It’s situations like this that empowers hate in our children, therefore my job as a single black mother is extra hard. You are right the answer to this problem is not a free meal but we need justice because people who feel this way needs to know they we”black people” have the exact same rights as they do.

  137. Come on people. I wasn’t there but if a bus pulls up with 25 people the small business isn’t ready for that. First they need to be seated. That means 6-8 tables available at almost the same time so they can order together. Other customers are arriving so you tell them you cant take them,all tables are taken”. A reservation would have been in order. The Kitchen couldnt handle 25 orders at one time The logistics just aren’t here to handle a bus load of people at one time. And it just gets worse from there. I know the black folks are always the victim now.

  138. OK, First, I am white–I will never experience racism on the level many Americans have.
    BUT, this was the act of ONE manager. I am sure the manager was not enforcing the policies of the Buffalo Wild Wings corporation (BWW), but the ONLY way to get things changed is to PUNISH the entire company.
    You MUST repost to the story to everyone you know. BWW is a favorite for corporate outings, both mid-day and after work–do not allow companies you work for to patronize them. Contact media outlets in your area to ask that they contact local BWW franchises.
    This is unacceptable in 2013. Hell, it was unacceptable for all time before, but it happened and the only thing we can do now is to SHOW companies exactly how unacceptable it is today.

  139. “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” Dr.King 8/28/63. 50 years on and still a long way to go.

  140. It’s sad how quickly we forgive and forget. Although we’re only 13% of the population, we’re 65% of the buying power in this country. Yet we don’t even realize the power our dollar has on this economy. We still allow them to serve us in the back of the restaurant. Wake up black people!!! If I find that Wild Wing Cafe & Wild Wings here in Charlotte NC are the same I won’t be Patronizing that business ever again.

  141. My question was did they feel threaten because of their race…Or because of their behavior while they was waiting to be seated? Let’s keep it real…I’m so sick of everybody playing the race card!

  142. So dumb, blacks instantly call anything racist. Btw the manager that asked them to leave is white , but the irony is …. wait for wait for it. she is married to a black man and has 2 mix children.Not only that, but the owner of wild wings North Charleston is black. Gj black people on boycotting your own races restaurant of course most of them are too busy listen to lil wayne to bother looking into any details.

  143. As a result of this situation I have not and will NEVER patronize your establishment ANYWHERE!!!!

  144. It doesn’t matter none of y’all bitchass (white) people who are being racist on here were there! You don’t not know what was goin on, we only heard ONE side of the story because if there was another side it would have been told! So shut the hell up, racism still exist….but guess what black people ain’t going NOWWHERE so suck it up an deal with it bitches! #obama

  145. First, I wouldn’ve waited 2 hours to be seated in any restaurant ! They did the right thing and made a complaint to the corp. offices. Racism is alive and well in this country as event after event brings it to light.

  146. I seriously doubt the manager would have given a party of 25 the boot over one diner’s complaint. I don’t care who you are–black or white–nobody’s waiting calm, quiet, and with a smile for two hours. Now, I’m not saying they were cussing and carrying on like some of these bigots have suggested, but I do find it hard to believe that a group of 25 is going to wait patiently for two hours without a few of them growing loud and/or angry. And how does this man even know the complaint(s) came from a white man or woman? No manager would have pointed out the other diner, and I seriously doubt anyone that felt that threatened was walking up to the group to say something. When it really comes down to it, not even Mr. Brown can say with absolute certainty that this was about race. But go ahead, folks, let ignorance and the media divide us.

  147. I certainly hope this isn’t true but hard to believe but if they left they are just as dumb and ignorant as the ones who kicked them out.

  148. Wow!! It is really sad when ignorance prevails. First off, the person who felt threatened by a group of patrons simply waiting for a table should have left if he was ‘so uncomfortable.’ Then for corporate to simply offer a free meal was an insult to injury. It is far beyond some food. A free meal does not erase the racism exercised by his employee. Measures should be taken to make sure his employees do not participate in unjust discrimination.

  149. I always wanted to try wild wings, but I will never patronize them now. Is this place buffalo wild wings/just wild wings?

  150. This kind of racism will never go away 2013 and this shi still going on.The way you hurt someone is in there pocket band all buffalo wild wing.

  151. File a law suit against the company and make sure that they hire managers who can manage rather than the klan types that are truly racist and need to work only where their kind lives. SUE!!!

  152. Had a man use the N word in my place of work today. I asked him to not speak like that and it was unacceptable to our store. He said, and I quote, “I have been before the Supreme Court twice and successfully defended my right to use that word.” I said, well welcome to my store and my court. If you can’t be kind, I have to ask you to leave. He did. I lost a thousand dollar sale but I smiled all day for it, right here in SC.

  153. Noones suprised, some people are just racist and all around scared of black people. Just a fact of life and its all because of how were portrayed and how “we” as black people portray ourselves.

  154. Nobody here says racism doesn’t exist, because only a blind and deaf fool would actually believe it! But something else needs to be said here. The problem is that people of all races tend to lump each and every race, color, ethnicity, etc. all the time. It hasn’t changed, it’s just more out there than it used to be because it’s the information age. Nothing is going to change, because equality can never happen. When people try to help one race, other races tend to be crapped on for awhile. So get used to it, it’s not going away!! There are race-baiters on every side. There are good and bad in every race, and lately so many people want to focus on the negatives of each race rather than any of the positives. And 1 last thing……how do we even know that the guy putting it on Facebook in the first place was telling the whole truth? We heard one side, let’s hear all sides before snapping to judgments!!

  155. There is a football team in Washington DC called the “Redskins.” Black people play for the team without protest, I’m told.

  156. It happens to white people to. I am white and was visiting Atlanta. My cousin and I went to eat at an ihop. The place was packed with black people. We didn’t think much of it. We were seated. We waited for 30 minutes before the waitress even approached our table. She was so rude. Refused to take our order and then the black security guard came up to our table and offered to walk us to our car. So you know what get over it!!!!!!!!!!

  157. So how is this “1960’s discrimination”/racially motivated especially if they have eaten there multiple times before? What happened, this time as opposed to others, for them to be denied service? Where is the cream filling to this story?

  158. Seems to me that the corporate office eventually got involved.However, in addition to offering the entire party a free meal, the next appropriate measure to have been taken by them was to suspend (w/o pay) or fire the shift manager for her actions and willingness to appease the ONE bigoted and racist (apparent) White customer in this situation.In essence, they lost the patronage of TWENTY-FIVE paying customers for the racist feelings of one reject from that 1790s?Please. Common sense (and dollars and cents) should have ruled her actions that evening. Apparently, her own bigotry and racism won out, instead.I see no need in boycotting said establishment other than to demand immediate disciplinary actions against the bigoted & racist shift manager who appears to have gone through this, unscathed.


  160. All people are allowed to have feelings and opinions. get over yourselves. And it’s not racism, just life. Life goes on.

  161. I am completely appalled with some of the comments on this article. “Rowdy, uncivilized.” As someone who actually knows the character of at least 10 of the people who were discriminated against, I can personally tell you that this was a church going group that had ministers in attendance. The people weren’t ignorant nor were they spouting off bad language, if anything they were talking about the last sermon that pastor preached, but they were black and someone had a problem with that. It’s funny how the assumption that they were being uncouth can easily be believed but the fact that someone didn’t want to be eating by a group of black people is incredible.I mean its obvious a lot of you are ill-mannered, ignorant racists who would probably be just as tactless and require a group of African americans to leave so you could eat “in peace.”Saying that you can’t believe that African Americans were turned away in a Southern restaurant because of a small complaint is simply because you are blinded by the white privilege. It happens all of the time because racism isn’t dead in this country, if anything its being shown in the light again as of recent years. People are sick of it and decided to say something about it. And its more than just blacks too.A lot of these comments sicken me to the point i decided to say something about it.

  162. The manager needs to be terminated immediately. How could anybody feel threatened by this lovely family! I’m so disgusted. Oregon.

  163. They were being extremely intimidating. Almost to the point of threatening. Why can’t people just order their food and keep to themselves, rather than getting up in the faces of others trying to just enjoy a night out. It’s a shame what America has turned into in the past few years.

  164. First off….i am a white female. I have to go by the saying there is two sides to a story. But i also got to say there is bad and good black,,,,,same as good and bad white. Some of my most loved friends are black. Color shouldnt be a problem to any one. We are all made by the same GOD. BOTH fight for our country,,People today find to much pleasure in finding faults. If i felt so unconfortable by any one,,i would leave quietly. No reason to make any one else pay for her insecurity. This one person who felt unconfortable,,,what are you going to do when you are hurt or sick and it is a black man whom comes to your rescue? Maybe they will give the same answer you did! I know alot of Black Doctors who saves lives. Are you going to let your loved one die because he is black when it is your family in hurt? Sure,after waiting so long and in such large croud they may have been getting whats your point? Its nothing normal people,,,any type of people dont do. How can any one point fingers at any one? We need to be coming together as one to keep our country strong. But you are taking it down by your actions. I my self wish i had been there because i would have walked out with these black people.The manager should have said im sorry you feel that way,got her food and walked her to her car. This stupid stuff has went on to long. Black people has earned their rights and alot of whites walk around while they do stuff that need put behind bars.Offering them a free meal only because it has become public is stupid and very demeaning. You owe these people a public apology and if you want to run a business you need to do just that. Im ashambed of the white race sometimes…but saying blacks also do some wrong.But right is right and wrong is wrong. IF they were making a scene then you should have got your top dog and handled it right when it was happening. PLEASE STOP!!! There is some of us who welcome color and any one else. The insides are the same. KEEP our country alive and dont ruin it for all of us. I have to say,,my family,,and i do come from a extra large family will never be in this place unless it is aknowleged and made right. To the croud who got kicked out……dont feel bad…they prob did you a favor…Who needs ppl like them..let them live with all that in their hearts. WE ARE ALL ONE AND EQUAL…….They can continue as they are and take our childrens country away or act right and make OUR country the best. I apoligise for that place ,,,and i want to say dont let stupid ppl with little minds like that get you down. Send a paper around saying what ppl think and i can tell you,ill sign it againt them……Just dont turn it into a war between us.Only one way to solve a problen and that is come together as a unit and weed out the crazy ones……I think,or hope you are going to find out there is alot of white feeling the same as i do… And who ever the ones calling them monkies,,,look in the mirrow… and look around you.EVERYONE is different in their own ways. Grow with GOD and learn we ALL were put here for a reason.You can help or you can ruin a good thing…My motto is EVERYONE is BEAUTIFUL in their own ways… And its the inside that counts. Thanks for listening!

  165. I am 61. I was 11 when my mother took me to the March in Washington in 1963. I marched and protested while in college. And s[tuff] like this is still taking place??!!! Work still to be done!!!!

  166. Black people are always so quick to jump on the side of their race and its not fair. You need to consider all the facts and have good judgement of the situation. Black people are mess up and do bring BAD situations on themselves sometimes.They are stubborn, combative, and many are one track minded, and the mentality is one of a mental case.I am black myself and do not, will, and will never fit into this stereotype.

  167. I’m quite sure this incident didn’t happen as it is being portrayed here. The restaurant may still be in the wrong, but the story reeks of half truths.

  168. There is another side to this story and I would not past judgement until I hear it. We cry racism to quick in this country and it has to stop. The black on black violent crime does more harm to use than eating at some restaurant.

  169. This is horrible and no one should expect this should happen, even here in SC. What is being ignored here is that Wild Wings Corporation is owned bay an investment group that has, as one of it’s principal partners, former Carolina Panther wide receiver Mushin Muhammad, who is very clearly an African American. I wonder if we’ll hear anything from him?

  170. The archaic ideology of white supremacy will die, eventually. As time passes, people pass away and take with them outdated philosophies and beliefs. Leaving a new way of thinking, an evolution of thought and spiritual awakening. Times have evolved in such a way where we merely have to shine the spotlight on acts of discrimination and allow the masses to chime in and let it be known that ths behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This is 2013, not 1913 or 1813. Change has been coming for awhile now, we simply have to remain steadfast in pushing it forward.

  171. Point #1– IF this group waited for two hours to get service, then during that time IF they were disruptive, wouldn’t that have been the time to ask them to leave? Why wait until it was time to seat them for someone to feel uncomfortable? Wouldn’t they have felt uncomfortable before that? Just saying…Point #2 – Just reading some of the posts on here from people calling other people “Monkeys” and “Niggers” and saying that because they are “Monkeys and Niggers” they’re troublemakers and disruptive. Interesting to label every black preacher, teacher, doctor, lawyer, corporate exec, Oscar winning actor, musician, Nobel Peace Prize winner, innocent law abiding God loving adult and child such a demeaning name. This is clear evidence that racism is still very much alive when you know nothing about the person you’re calling that name just their skin color.Point #3 — To those posters who start off saying…”I’m white…” I don’t care if you’re white, black, blue, green, or albino. If you’re standing for right, justice, and all people being equal… stand on it on the basis of fact, not color.Point #4 — I’ve taught my children that there is no color, just one human race. And now they’re teaching their children the same. And by the way, I’ve got the most beautiful racially diverse family that crosses many cultures. And because of that diversity, we’ve learned so much from each other.By the way, my diverse family is coming to that area in two weeks and unfortunately, that is one restaurant chain that we will avoid.

  172. This could likely all be true, but it doesn’t smell right. What restaurant would kick out a quiet group of people, with a guaranteed tip? I’m as liberal as they come (yet will be immediately called a racist on this forum…), but I also suspect the group was loud. What group of 25 is quiet? What culture is often too loud? We don’t have a video of how the group was acting, ‘sitting quietly’. No restaurant would refuse to seat a large group because of ‘one white person’.
    We’re pretty quiet. One time on vacation, a party was very noisy. They couldn’t sit us in another room, and the waiter asked them once to quiet down, at our request. But really, what was he going to do? Large tip from drinkers vs small tip from a couple? He wasn’t going to push the issue. It spoiled our dining experience, but we didn’t protest, or run to social media. We had a bad experience, and got over it.
    That said, I’m not naive enough to say these racial things don’t happen. But I’d guess they happen a lot less than blacks assume.
    Everyone ready? 3..2..1.. RACIST!!!

  173. Lol, pretty freaking amazing at the Caucasians that only have the nerve to talk racist and be angry behind the computer screen. But face to face, will piss on themselves when face with this kindve problem. Wrong is wrong no matter how you look at it. Just don’t be suprised if the next buger you eat taste like piss lmaoo… dumb mofos

  174. Nothing lasts forever, white supremacy will die, eventually. As the older generation passes away, the younger generation replaces them with new ideologies and philosophies. It’s a slow, blood-letting process but evolution remains constatn and change is inevitable. All the masses have to do is shine the spotlight on discriminatory behavior, and let it be known it’s archaic, unacceptable and won’t be tolerated in 2013.Fear of black people has been ingrained into euro-american culture and woven into their societal norms. It’s going to take time to eradicate white supremaciy, the masses simply have to remain steadfast in battling against it.

  175. So sad that in this day and age white folks are still afraid of blacks. It’s time to buy our own franchise’s let’s stop accepting this behavior from scared folks. Not all white folks are this way, thank God or we would have a race war. Oh yeah but some want to initiate a race war, keep watch.

  176. The servers at the cafe are probably behind it. They probably didn’t feel like busting their asses all night for a $5 tip on a $500 bill…..

  177. You’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers. – See more at:

  178. Wild Wing Cafe has a lot of work to do if it “Ever” wants me and my compatriots to return. Too many other restaurants with better customer service, menu items and wait staff.
    I don’t need this restaurant, but does this restaurant need………. US?

  179. They have admitted they were wrong. You have chosen not to accept their free meal so forgive them, make your forgiveness public and move on. Be an example of a type of person that is not often seen. There is no shortage of aggrieved black people.

  180. Kudos to Antoinette and dmanh12! Your response and comments are right on target. Yes, this type of behavior definitely needs to be brought to the RNC and conservative voters; they are convinced that every “white” person that has had anything happen to them since the Zimmerman verdict has been done by black people in retaliation! And more importantly my black people – take the advice of dmanh12 – stop patronizing these establishments; even when they don’t say anything, the racism is still there, any excuse will do for them to show what’s truly in there hearts.Pool your resources, come together and unite! We have got to be about the business of taking care of our own! bottom line.

  181. @MWhitman, were you there to actually witness these events, or are you assuming that this is the way all groups of blacks behave? If you were not there I highly suggest that you stop contributing to the ignorance that already, and obviously, plagues this country. Could that have been there behavior? Possibly. However, only those actually present would know.

  182. I certainly hope the manager and all that thought that this was appropriate business practice have been fired from this establishment.
    Looking at the restaurants facebook page, it looks as though they are going to experience a loss of customers in many of their stores across the country!
    KEEP letting this country know that we do not tolerate discrimination!

  183. No free meal will compensate for the establishment s poor treatment of customers who clearly did nothing wrong unless being black is a crime. Push forward with legal actions this is not 1960. The manager should be let go

  184. in 1959-60, I was riding on a bus to North Carolina with a bunch of teenagers from Virginia. We stopped at a restaurant for lunch. Therecwas a huge banner over the window saying “Whites Only!” We got back on the bus and left! I’m Jewish, and we don’t go for that stuff! It appears times haven’t changed much! The restaurant manager should have kicked out the white family instead! The Black family were loyal customers over time!

  185. As a patron of Wild Wings I don’t feel I should come back until this incident is rectified. How were the employees dealt with at the SC store? Is it business as usual? If so, it’s time to take it a step further…

  186. Blacks always turn Shit into a race issue; that is their “go-to” when they dont get their way. I havent seen Sharpton or Jackson flying to Oklahoma yet, but if they do, it will be to defend the blacks who shot that Australian. In this case, you can bet the blacks were being obnoxious and loud, trying to draw attention to themselves like they always do. A company that has a multi-state operation doesnt just kick people out because of their race; that’d be stupid. I’m sure Sharpton is on a plane to SC right now though. They will try and sue so they can buy the whole family Cadillacs with stereo systems and rims to go with them.

  187. There IS an article link to this with an employees account of what happened and I, a Black man and 10 year server/16 year vet in the restaurant industry, completely believe it…It’s no way the video depicted them experiencing racism like that and they aint throw it out there IMMEDIATELY…Then they stage of pic of a “party of 25 looking sad outside” with only 17 people in it…Black people we gotta stop flying off the handle when we see the word “racism” and use some sense…NO ONE in 2013 is gonna just be THAT blatantly racist…if so, they would’ve been told they can’t be accommodated as soon as they got there…Like I commented on the other story, they should have called ahead…I see this over and over again…They show up unannounced in these big groups, and want you to put up a cake and bring it out at the precise moment, have everybody in the restaurant hide under the table so they can scream surprise when their cousin gets there, they want sing “Happy Birthday”, they get LOUD like they are the only ones there…they wanna sit “all together”, they want separate checks, everything “takin so long”; it be a mess…and I’m not saying this is AAAAALLLLLL Black parties…But “THIS” party is usually Black…use y’all Black psychology and look at the picture…You mean to tell me Black gay dudes and their female friends sat quietly anywhere for two hours???? please…they was spilling tea, clapping five, being antagonistic, and all y’all know it LMAO!!! Like, put your intelligence away for a moment…Y’all making good points but they are not relevant to THIS situation…Y’all gotta RIGHTLY divide the word of truth…Like, for real…

  188. Excuses, excuses…. treat Black people poorly and then reach for any justification for doing so. Black people…. stop eating at their establishments, can you imagine what they may be doing to your food behind the scenes…… create your own dinner party, that way, you not only know what you’re eating, but you’ll probable have more money in your pocket. Considering how those people feel about us… they are libel to do anything to my food…. Ain’t worth it…. make my own.

  189. YEAH RIGHT!! 25 people of any race waiting for 2hours to be seated for a much anticipated celebratory event are more than likely to become frustrated hungry or not! Two hours is a long time to wait for anything …. As a one-time mgr of a restaurant I certainly can understand this mgr as well as her staff being frustrated with having to deal with a large group of frustrated people and the customers that were already seated ( work in and of itself) is frustrating enough. I think that both parties were frustrated and when the power struggle ensued either party chose to say or do whatever they felt necessary to win in that situation. That’s the only scenario that makes sense to me. There is not enough information here to say who was right or wrong. The only thing that you are left with is deductive reasoning. Now put yourself in either place faced with the exact same thing and if you’re honest you will say ” yes I would’ve become frustrated ” and after tempers flare and frustration is agitated………ANYTHING GOES!!!!

  190. Wow blacks in south refused service, what a compelling story! You know what’s less exciting? The facts. Yell angrily at white girl ignoring you when you tell here to move. Oh wait she is deaf! Offend other patrons of restaurant with loud use of n word, f word, when confronted. Use race card to cover your shameful behavior. Wow living the dream, MLK would be proud.

  191. Common sense will tell you a party of 25 does not get seated in a timely manner. Prior planning on the family’s part to make reservations–would have probably prevented frustration for both ww and the disgruntled family.

  192. Ok. So another example of people pointing out what is being done to blacks, meanwhile, the media and government covers up the black on white crime. And a few black patrons have the audacity to use racial terms against whites, yet, if i were the use terms like nigger, porch monkey, cotton picker, it will be deleted by the administrators of this report. What about the WW2 vet that was just killed by 2 black men unprovoked. Yeah you’re right this is wrong and an apology should be issued maybe even some minor compensation. But why is all this being covered but not the 17 year old white kid that was jumped by 3 black kids and killed in south carolina 3 years ago, that never made it past local news but the black kid that got shot after repeatedly herassing someone in florida made cnn and local news for a week here in NY, yeah equality my ass. Were is obama with the WW2 vet. Why is he not outraged that could have been his grandfather. The government and media is walking a line of turning this country in to a communist country. Just remember a government is nothing without its people keep us free or you wont keep us at all

  193. How long would have they have taken to eat?? The party was waiting for two hours!! Damn were thinking that hard to create a problem.

  194. You people are so naive. If anyone has to specify that they were waiting peacefully for two hours, they are fucking lying. Americans aren’t patient…. please do better…

  195. Only a group of blacks would show up 25 strong to a restaurant, unreal.Highly unlikely that a group of 25 people were being peaceful and calm. Any race of people in a group of 25 will be a little intimidating, but come on guys, don’t be naive… I live in Maryland, 4th highest population of black people in the country… when blacks get together in large groups, it’s chaos, you know it’s true. I agree with the establishments decision to evacuate the unruly crowd and hope they would be sensible enough to implement a party limit in the future.If you believe 25 blacks in a group at a restaurant were being peaceful, I have some magic beans for sale… amazing prices.

  196. The other side of the story….ou’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers.

  197. Sorry, but these people made this up. And just by looking at their faces and judging their attitudes – I am sure they were causing some kind of problem. And that suspicion was confirmed today by another article. Sorry people – the only race problem we have to day or real problem we have today is these kinds of people trying to stir up racial problems. Just like sharpton and jackson – couldnt find any real race issues for years so started creating some so they would have jobs. Sad, truly sad.

  198. The only real racist in this country it seems are blacks, I’m sorry to say they are creating these kinds of incidents, not whites, Hispanics, or Orientals. They’re the first ones to throw out racial comments and claim racism. They ought to look at the 40’s and 50’s watch the white races to see how not to act, because they are acting just like them.

  199. Oh my God! They were racist for kicking out after they used they said N*gg*r repeatively. After they insulted patrons and staff, including a deaf girl. Threatening violence, etc.Get real people, they were discriminated against because they were acting like buffoons.

  200. The way I heard it, these people came in with no notice and wanted all 25 of them to sit together. On no notice, such is not possible, not without a wait time. So yeah, if you refuse to be split up your group of 25 is going to wait. And wait. A group of 2 or 3 or 4 would of course be seated before you–BECAUSE YOU ALL WANT TO SIT TOGETHER. Not to mention I heard the lot of you were rude to other customers and blocked the exit. Wild Wing is prolly lucky other customers did not leave. Not to mention that some will never go back because of the behavior of a large group of people that they felt should have been asked to leave long before they were.

  201. I’m supposed to believe this large group of people waited for two hours and never became belligerent? Not even slightly? If they managed that, they are the most laid back group of black people I have encountered in 25 years.That said, I can’t help but notice the banner at the top of this page, sporting an image of a young black man, shirtless and festooned with tats, pointing two fingers at his own temple to imitate a gun. Fascinating. Can’t imagine why black youth is having difficulty identifying with responsible role models when this kind of crap is peddled to them.

  202. This explanation seem more plausible. The racial angel seems to take over every story like this these days. Which is a shame because they water down legitimate stories.

  203. Turns out MWhitman hit pretty close to the mark. The rest of the story:, I’d like to know which one of the folks pictured was the one who insulted the deaf girl while they were waiting.Also, did any of them try to tell the others that it was not a good idea to show up with a party of 25 without calling ahead to find out where they could be seated in a reasonable amount of time?I won’t even ask why it seems like the black who make the most frequent use of racial epithets themselves are the quickest to allege racism on the part of others when asked to quit making racist remarks themselves…

  204. Turns out theis party of blacks were a bunch of liars and a-holes, they couldn’t be seated all together like they wanted because their party was so large, then they started with the harassment, intimidation and racist outbursts.

  205. Also, I work in a restaurant. Even if the place you are attending does not take reservations, it is a good idea and a courteous idea to call ahead to the place at least 30 minutes to one hour before you come in, so the hosts and the servers can start setting up a table for such a large party. If you’re going into a busy restaurant on a busy Friday night, there is going to be a wait, even longer for parties as large as 25. It was dumb of them to think they could be seated so quickly on a Friday night. I see this happen ALL THE TIME AT MY RESTAURANT. You can come in with that large of party, but you better expect to be waiting at least an hour or more! Just sayin’.

  206. You all clearly cannot be as retarded as you appear to be in this thread. Then again maybe you can be.
    If you would put away your handy-dandy, always at your fingertips RACE CARD for a second and actually use what little brain you have left after the years of crack and chronic, you’d clearly see that the story the “group” is peddling is absolute GARBAGE. NO WAY, NO HOW did anything similar to that happen in that restaurant.
    I’ll go really S-L-O-W so you can follow, try and keep up.
    You are actually gonna try and convince people that a white manager came up to a group of 25 BLACK patrons that had been waiting for 2 hours to be seated and spend their money and told them to GET OUT based on 1 single complaint by a white lady saying she was afraid? REALLY? You actually think that happened in a RESTAURANT CHAIN that is in multiple states and has tens of millions in yearly revenue at stake? Any manager that made it past the 4th grade would know the consequences of that action and what it would likely do to not only her job, but the entire CHAIN. If that DID happen, every single one of the them would have it recorded on their cell phones. It would be playing wall to wall on MSNBC with the RACE HUSTLER and POVERTY PIMP Al ‘Tawana Brawley” Sharpton loudly cheering every second of it. Both he and his PIMP Brother Jackson would be on a chartered JET right this second to have a HUGE rally and march right outside that restaurant. Eric Holder would be right on the heels of them getting there to file civil rights actions.
    Lets see all the racism on the cell phone vids that everyone of them were no doubt recording every second of. If they were discriminated against that blatantly then they’ve got evidence to prove it and all of them will be pretty wealthy when this ends and a Wing Chain will soon be out of business.
    The fact that nothing has surfaced that shows ANY of what they claimed ought to tell you something. If PIMP Sharpton and PIMP Jackson ain’t holding a march and rally there by this evening, the situation never happened the way they claimed.
    It’s sad this nations education system has failed to educate the vast majority of blacks to the point that they lack rudimentary language, comprehension and basic reasoning skills.
    Here’s hoping you can cut back on the phony racism claims the remaining months of this year and try to live like everyone else does where they aren’t looking to be offended every time they walk out the damn door and blaming every white guy you see for your lot in life that YOU have been solely responsible for.
    Dr. King prayed and hoped that one day his people would be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. If he were alive today, he’d see that the content of your character hasn’t progressed even an inch since his murder and in many ways its gotten worse.
    You have 80% of your babies born to single mothers, the most dangerous place in the world for a BLACK BABY is in its MOTHERS WOMB. Black unemployment is near 50%. Food stamp use with blacks are near 90%. A white is 400% more likely to be the victim of a hate crime by a black than a black is from a white. Black men are less than 10% of the US population yet they occupy over 50% of the prison population. 3 out of 4 black men have a criminal record. You want me to go on?
    All of this is YOUR FAULT. The white man didn’t do ANY of this to you. You might want to actually work on that whole CHARACTER THING that MLK begged and pleaded about to you. Ahh, who am I kidding? You all don’t give a shit. It’s much easier to sell crack, shoot a couple thugs trying to move in on your turf, knock up a couple dozen women and support NONE of your kids all the while hollerin’ RACISM..RACISM…come and get ’em AL and blaming it all on WHITEY than it is to actually take responsibility for your OWN LIVES AND ACTIONS.

  207. …please, there is no way Wild Wings would refuse business to 25 black people unless there was a VERY good reason. I’m sure blacks are a large % of their customer base.

  208. Did you call the restaurant for comment before publishing this? If so, you should include a paragraph that the restaurant refused to comment. … If you did not call at all, you now know why you should have.

  209. For anyone in the food service industry the above “complaint” is just the tip of the iceberg. The truth doesn’t matter. They got their free meal for their complaints = typical. For everyone else, rest assured there was no racial discrimination. These idiots will claim ANYTHING to get a free meal and/or get special treatment.

  210. These customers would have NEVER waited two hours for a table and nor would I so it appears some of this story is slanted.
    I have a strict policy with restaurants. Never complain about the food, people, or service before the food is served. Never send anything back to the kitchen that wasn’t prepared to your satisfaction.
    Complain afterwards and if they don’t make it right then never patronize them again. There are plenty of other restaurants.

  211. Please don’t believe this! There is another side of the story that makes more sense! This was not racism!

  212. Jim, if you were at my restaurant in my section, I would def want you to alert me if your food isn’t to your satisfaction!! I can not stand when people wait till the end, after they ate their entire plate, to tell me they did not like it or something was wrong. I would rather have you leave happy with your meal then leave disgruntled because the cooks put too much seasoning or whatever.

  213. Maybe before y’all started throwing out your own racial slurs you should find out the WHOLE TRUTH. This is just one side and you know most of the time when people complain they embellish the story. Read the response which some of you won’t believe because your so into finding racism that it won’t matter what the truth is. And you believe that they wanted TWO HOURS at a BWW’s place?? Really?? Who waits that long much less quietly to be seated to eat. After 30 mins people start complaining or getting loud, after an hour most of the time people are ready to leave. Two hours?? yea right. That’s a lie in itself. The rest I’m not totally sure but waiting two hours and not getting upset is a downright lie.

  214. I wasn’t there, and by the posts that I have read, either were you, but I know the restaurant business, in a biblical way, I almost killed myself working in them almost 50 years.. This is a frequent problem in most popular establishments..Since we are talking hypothetical, lets talk generalities..
    Busy restaurants, or any venue that services people in odd numbered groups, suffers from the seating configuration of the available space.. Large groups that pre-reserved their arrival have a much better opportunity to be accommodated in a reasonable amount of time.. No food establishment that can service a large group is not a popular place by having the open seats in a dining room..
    Groups of 20 or more are usually reserved in advance, and most likely in a private room, and can pretty much guarantee, special attention and immediate seating.. The dynamics change completely if a large group arrive unannounced, and demand to be seated together.. Without knowing, the waitstaff have a rearranged seating configuration, 4-5 tables per station of service.. Seating is usually, first come first serve, diverting only for reservations..
    Groups of 20 or more require 5-7 tables to be combined in the same station, or adjoining areas.. That many open tables, seldom happen in the rotation of seating, giving a waitstaff a table in prearranged rotation in the start of the evening..So by design, no single station would empty completely during any service ..
    The problem is the guests should have been refused combined seating, unless they were given an empty meeting room, unless a similar empty space was provided for waiting the required time to configure the necessary configuration of tables..
    Next, without this explanation, the typical guest would see the problem and accept the inconvenient wait, but no one knows if this was explained to the group, and if it was did the leader disseminate that knowledge to all of the others.. As for guest complaints, we take every concern at face value and react accordingly.. As you can imagine, value of the complaint varies by circomstance..
    Finally, I blame the restaurant host for promising the group combined seating, at any peek period, and would have taken the leadership in explaining the situation at the forefront..

  215. For a party of 25, why didn’t they make a reservation before heading to the restaurant? If you show up with such a big group and ask to be seated in the same area, it will take time for the restaurant to accomadate this request. After 2 hours of waiting, I doubt a group of 25 will remain quiet and calm. They must have seen other people of much smaller parties being seated. This obviously pissed someone off who proceeded to harrass the personnel, and customers who were being seated before them. One of the restaurant’s employees mentioned the group was standing and unwilling to seat making it difficult for other customers to enter and leave the restaurant

  216. Another ‘alleged “racial whine” incident exposed. A made up, ‘FALSE’ complaint based on their OWN disreputable behavior. No class at all. Tawdry really.

  217. Yes, folks.. please read the other side of the story. The black folks started spouting off racist remarks and were being totally disrespectful to everyone in the restaurant. Yes, someone was offended. A white woman was offended because she was being referred to as ‘whitey’. Now what would happen if I went into a restaurant with a black waitress and referred to her as ‘darky’? That’d make headline news and I’d be receiving death threats. Practice what you preach, folks.

  218. I’m going to ‘Wild Wings” now. Come on all you crackers and lets have some fun and enjoys some food.. We will now have a nice quite place to eat.. Love it!! <3

  219. Party of 25? Hmm, a wonder they couldn’t get right in. Racial card thrown in again. Peter cries wolf, same thing, and it’s getting old.

  220. From a woman who works at the Wild Wings restaurant that asked the black patrons to leave and asked that we allow her to be anonymous. She states there are several reasons the group was asked to leave:
    You’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers.
    – See more at:

  221. Yeah fucking right. Im sure 25 people were sitting there quietly for “over 2 hours.” This is such bullshit.If anyone body was there with 25 people for 2 hours they were getting rowdy. I know I sure as hell would be. Then I would start making up stupid reasons in my head why they aren’t seating me. “Oh these guys are ass holes. They just sat three groups before us, probably cause I’m only 20 and they figure they aren’t going to get tipped so fuck me right?”Then i start to be a dick to the manager telling them all the reasons that they aren’t sitting me. (Mind you all these reasons I came up with in my head.) All the while my friend is getting in their face with a camera.At this point the manager is sick as fuck of you and doesn’t even care what you are bitching about as you leave and just says, “yeah” and “uh hu”.Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a douchebag. This had nothing to do with skin. I hate loud annoying fuckers too. If I was the manager you’d have been kicked out way sooner.

  222. I’ll repost the a link that was already submitted….READ IT YOU MORONS before spouting off retarded accusations based on on facebook post.READ THE LINK AT THE END IDIOTS! – See more at: a group of entitled, loud, obnoxious A#$holes didn’t get served food, who cares? this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with knuckle dragging retards who dont know how to behave in public. F*ck em’

  223. I spent the better part of a decade working in restaurants as a host, busser and a waiter. Reservations ensure your table is ready upon arrival. Tact and character ensure one is treated with dignity and respect, and based on the stories I have read this group displayed neither.I have traveled the world around, Africa included, and can tell you from first hand experiences that people are treated and judged by the way they act.Being a white male who has grown up in California I have also experienced racism first hand from most every race and ethnic group under the sun. I care little.From my perspective the issue here is a lack of adequate social skills. To say this is racist is to say that the Black community as a whole lacks those skills. I don’t believe this to be true.

  224. Anybody that believes these black people were not being aggressive and nasty are not living in the real world. White guilt is gone folks. You used it up. This is a stupid story obviously not covering the real facts.

  225. Wow, a restaurant manager NOT giving in to pushy thug tactics.NOT tolerating racist blacks abusive behavior, calling customers and staff “whiteys” and attempting to be intimidating towards them met with being ejected from the restaurant? I highly doubt that the wait was 2hrs, and w/o a reservation a party of 25 should know that there’s going to be a decent wait anyway. 2hrs is quite unlikely tho. The story from the waitress at Wild Wings telling what really happened sounds much more believable. IF there were a Wild Wings locally I’d patronize them just in support of standing up for civilized behavior. Yes, yes…. call Rev AL & Jessie in on this one, as blacks not getting their chicken wings because they were loud and abusing the staff and patrons of the restaurant is soooooo important(rolls eyes)…. Nevermind the black youth (he was a good keeeed) that tweeted racist remarks, then went and hunted down and shot a white guy. Nevermind the “goood keeeeds” that jumped and brutally beat a white kid on the bus because he would’t buy drugs from him, or even the little angels that killed a white baby in its stroller just for the hell of it. The tip of the iceburg on the rise of Black on white racism that rational people of all races need to wake up and see, as well as put a stop to.

  226. This is disgusting. To think on or about the 50th anniversary of Dr Kings speech and this is how far we’ve regressed. I can understand if it were about the groups size but come on people this is the 21st century. We have far worse things to fear than the color of each others skin. This is complete bigotry of some narrow minded fools. I’d never be afraid of a family out celebrating. From the picture you all look like hell raisers (sarcasm), you look like a typical family out to have a good time. 2 hours waiting, doesn’t matter if it were 2 hours or 2 minutes, barring the size of your group they should have served you period. What I really don’t get is why this manager chose to cow tow to one individual vs a group, I mean was her meal really what you all would have spent there that night? In the image I don’t see African Americans, I see an American family, we are all human before we are labelled with a color. Random White Guy.

  227. everyone jump the gun,There is always two sides to every story,believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see.

  228. Wait. They were asked to leave right away but they waited 2 hours? His story doesn’t seem consistent.He said he’s got part of it on video. Then why not post it to youtube?

  229. What’s really disgusting is that someone is LYING. Michael Brown’s version is completely different from the version of the worker who works at the restaurant.I can’t believe that someone didn’t film something with their phones to prove one side or the other.A group of 25 people and according to the worker, these blacks were complaining that “whitey” was getting seated first. Allegedly, they also ridiculed a deaf girl.Something’s wrong with this story. Everyone needs to do some actual fact-checking before simply believing what is said by someone who felt racially “violated.”He first says they were asked to leave almost immediately, then he said they waited peaceably for 2 hours. Which is it, Mr. Brown?I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in that restaurant when this went down.

  230. Seriously, random white guy? You really think you’re seeing this with a level head?25 people show up to a sports bar and demand to be seated, then raise holy hell when they’re asked to leave for disruptive and abrasive behavior?This is exactly how far we’ve come. Any perceived slight against any one member of a minority suddenly becomes racism, and you just buy it.You’re an idiot, and the group of 25 is smearing a business just because they can.Put it back in the deck.

  231. a group of black s do not wait peaceable for anything, everyone knows that whether they admit it or not. They are the most obnoxious and entitled group who need to get back to fields and harvest my cotton, where they belong. Fkn Nhiggers

  232. Is there a single one of you capable of correctly spelling expressing your pathetic qualms? “Aw hell naw (sic)”, it would seem.

  233. Racism goes both ways. Maybe instead of just showing up to a restaurant with 25 people you should have called ahead and gave them some time to section off an area for you? Oh, and saying ‘whitey’ isn’t racist? Really?Maybe you should go to school and learn some class, because i’m tired of being compared to people who act like this. I’m tired of being called ‘the whitest black girl’ just because I have an education and have manners. No, I do not try to be ‘white’, I was just raised right and was taught how to act in public.Tired of hearing about this racism shit everyday, it’s 2013 not 1960. I feel like all the hard work the activists put in has somewhat been wasted.Go ahead, throw it all away. So that you can have a different pair of Jordan’s everyday of the week, while your child and their mom are living off the state. Pathetic.

  234. I guess the lesson learned here is if you come in unannounced with 25 people who want to sit together, you’ll have to wait – regardless of your skin color. And if you sit there and yell nigger this nigger that at the top of your lungs you’re going to go home hungry.Welcome to society.

  235. Well what i say about that u will go see a lawyer and sue cause your civil rights was threatened make them an example. Don’t take that.

  236. I Have no doubt that the party of 25 was acting very uncivilized when told of the wait. They did not have the foresight to reserve an area to accomadate they together. They made verbal threats towards a death girl for not moving out of their way. She could not here them. They used the N***er world dozens of times out loud. Caused a complete disruption of buisness. And the manager refused to then seat them. Which is “HIS RIGHT to REFUSE SERVICE” to anyone. Don’t go away mad. Just go away and don’t come back. Go spend your $ elsewhere. It’s that simple….The Truth will set you Free…Lies and deception will only please satan and send you to hell…

  237. 25 people show up to a crowded restaurant without reservations and demand seating. Rational human beings would understand it’s the group’s fault. Blacks just blame whitey.
    Detroit in shambles? Blame whitey.
    Oakland a cesspool? Blame whitey.
    Zimbabwe is a nightmare? Blame whitey.
    When the go to answer is blame whitey, people who don’t like to hear the same bongo drums and chants of racism will turn a deaf ear.

  238. I have read both sides to this story & I can only speak from my 50 yrs of life & my last 4 yrs in particular. The last 4 yrs I have been dating a woman that happens to be black & all her friends are black (all but 2 & I have only meet 1). I am often if not always the only white person in the group when with her friends, her kids have some white friends. I don’t mean to be judgmental but I have seen exactly what the employee said happened on many occasions. When I’m with my GF & her friends often they say “I hate white people or cracka”. Then they politely turn to me & say OWWW not you Bobby oww well then it’s ok WTF REALLY. The words Nigga & nigger roll out of their mouths like please & thank you. When I say I am offended I get a WTF attitude that they are entitled to talk like that. SO wait a sec if someone at a restaurant/store talks to my GF like that I should & I want to kick there ass but her friend does it’s ok BULLSH*T. I would also say that in the black community there is a habit of doing things such as standing in a doorway & expecting others to walk around the group & if I say something WOW does that start shit. My GF is the one to say something & maybe maybe some attitude comes her way but they see me & STFU I’m a big man 6’3″ 270 & a biker Ironworker. Any way all I am saying is the story above does not sound likely on occasion to a couple (& COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE when it does) but not a group of 25 did it happen the way it’s stated above.

  239. After watching the video the group seems to have several issues and objectives with this. It is a real shame with someone tries to use race like this and when it is found untrue allegations are made there is one solution; to sue everyone making this false statements and the online media allowing it to post before fact checking.
    It doesn’t surprise me with this group and I believe I know the “lead” guy and ashamed.

  240. These dirty niggers have been given far too much. They should still be slaves on plantations and chained up too.

  241. Sounds like a great restaurant. I will have to start eating there. More places should be that supportive of white people.

  242. While they didnt have the right to not let them eat. Who brings a pack of 25 people into a resturant at once and expects no one to complain.

  243. LMAO @ these stupid niggers. You boys know you don’t act civilized and then you moan like your whore mothers when people call you out. Sorry swamp apes, but the game is up, the race card is expired, and you will now be judged on the content of your character. For 80% of you that is bad news.

  244. Y does she stay anonymous..just stand up and tell it like it is if they were rude they were rude just say it..And if they r tell I g the truth about there encounter at the restaurant it needs to be dealt with point blank…#tiredoftheracism

  245. I’ve been considering that part of the country to retire to. It has many attractive features. However, I view this information and other reports of random and blatant discrimination in the area as profoundly disturbing. Of the many considerations that contribute to where one lives, obviously the treatment of citizenry is critical. I fully acknowledge that folks that support this type of behavior won’t welcome me. I’d like to believe area residents that condemn such behavior are in a majority and will not tolerate it as representative.
    If I relocate to the area I don’t plan to patronize a Wild Wings diner until and if I become aware there is appropriate action taken by the Mt. Pleasant, SC corporate offices. In the Midwest there is a similarly named entity headquartered in Minneapolis, MN. It is named “Buffalo Wild Wings”. I don’t know if the S.C. and MN entities are in any way affiliated.

  246. I’ve been considering that part of the country to retire to. It has many attractive features. However, I view this information and other reports of random and blatant discrimination in the area as profoundly disturbing. Of the many considerations that contribute to where one lives, the treatment of citizenry is critical. I fully acknowledge that folks that support this type of behavior won’t welcome me. I’d like to believe area residents that condemn such behavior are in a majority and will not tolerate it as representative.
    If I relocate to the area I don’t plan to patronize a Wild Wings diner until and if I become aware there is appropriate action taken by the Mt. Pleasant, SC corporate offices. In the Midwest there is a similarly named entity headquartered in Minneapolis, MN. It is named “Buffalo Wild Wings”. I don’t know if the S.C. and MN entities are in any way affiliated.

  247. Every day one: #1- Please make sure you vote in every election & encourage everyone you know to do so. Don’t take any result for granted or you may regret not casting your vote. Don’t believe all the rhetoric about our votes not counting. The Electoral College does complicate things, but we simply can’t give up or our Country will continue to downside. TRUMP & BANNON have managed to stoke the ignorants into acting on their backward racist views, & it is sickening.#2- Check out the other side of the story, I was angry too but then I read about the behavior of this very big, unavoidably loud group. The woman wasn’t threatened, she was offended because for 2 hours she constantly heard these people in the group saying “N-word” over & over, as well as “Whitet” this & that… she was probably sitting with her young kids, it’s a family restaurant, & she only asked that they not be seated in the same section as her, not that they be asked to leave. The Manager was the one who took that step. You know what? If it were I, I would have said the same thing about the seating, because ANY group of 25 people, regardless of race, is going to be LOUD. I have been seated near much smalller groups who have completely dominated the acoustics in the restaurant so that my husband & I could not even hear each other from across the table!#3- it sounds like they didn’t have a reservation, so with 25 people, the restaurant had to wait until an entire section of tables had cleared out so they could put all the tables together to seat this group. I have to say that 2 hours sounds like a really long time to eat dinner, even for people who had just been seated prior to the group’s arrival. That would be my question to Management, how it could possibly take any table 2 hours to complete a meal? The “Whiteys” whom the group was complaining were being seated before them even though they arrived later, were being seated in a completely different section & they were just couples and small families.

  248. There’s nothing more obnoxious than a large group of screaming, unchecked nigglets raising hell in a restaurant. Seen it many times, blacks typically do not discipline their off spring or bother to teach them any manners. And 18 spooks at one table is bound to be noisy as hell. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a polite, responsible, considerate, quiet black family in Walmart, public and certainly in any restaurant. The guy requesting could have moved but he was there first and chose not to. It will be good when we go back to segregation and the spooks will not even be allowed out of their designated areas of town. Not the response you were expecting? Tough shit. Blacks are the most racist group on the planet. The entire world is fed-up with their bellyaching about being victims of this and that. Move to Somalia if you don’t like it. All the laws and rules don’t do shit to end racism. Human nature cannot be changed by regulation. When the blacks want to join the human race and not be their own enemies by remaining obstinate, antisocial, and purposely impossible to get along with, this will change. Currently they, as a group, are still busy hating, being victims, expecting reparations for things that didn’t go their way 200 years ago, shooting each other over drug deals, stealing tv’s, etc. So busy being Democrats.

  249. I didn’t bother wasting my time reading all of the comments but putting the bigotry & racism aside… I served in the Marine Corps in the Seventies Era until 1980. I believe it was BETTER back THEN than it is today. Walking on eggshells while Mr. Obama was president for eight years though HERE in California as far as I can recollect; no black man had ever been governor, TRUMP is the president now for 3 1/2 years BUT NOTICE the MEDIA especially the Democratic Party tends to find faults. Bashing aside; it was wrong to tell the 25 black folks to SIMPLY leave, one uncomfortable person complained… SO WHAT! I recall Blacks in the USMC call us Whites… Honkies & White Crackers! SO WHAT! We called them Niggers BUT ALL IN FUN. Did we HATE them?! Hell NO! If we SERVED together in COMBAT; Blacks had my back, I had to watch THEIR backs! We’re Jarheads! Teams whether it’s Hispanics; Blacks, Asians, Whites… UNITED STATES MARINES. I THINK our nation requires MORE love for our neighbors in the HOOD. Grant you; I’m not advocating crime such as selling DOPE in the HOOD! We should go up ☝ & beyond the pigmentations. Skin color is just the way GOD had made us unique. I am looking at the heart ❤ of every individual. I cannot SIMPLY judge by skin colors. I need to listen FIRST; respond intelligently SECOND, make my decision FINAL on the THIRD ROUND OF TIME. HOME RUN when we connect heart/mind/soul brothers & sisters not solely based on pigmentations! God BLESS & Happy ? NEW YEAR 2020!!!

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