LeBron James Changes 1000 Lives with One Tweet


When it comes to LeBron James some people absolutely adore him and some others can’t stand him. That is usually only basketball related. In this case, I don’t care how you feel about Lebron James, you can’t knock the fact that he is about help 1000 kids go to college for FREE!  That’s right, FREE.99!
In one tweet, LeBron James just changed 1000 lives when he posted the following tweet.

King James is teaming up with the University of Akron and Chase Bank to give 1,000 inner city kids a free ride to college as long as they meet the requirements of his I Promise program!
The Akron, Ohio-based program is part of The LeBron James Family Foundation. James gave the following statement to ESPN:
“I think it’s probably one of the best things I’ve ever been apart of, this is very special to me. As a kid growing up in the inner city and as an African American kid, you don’t really think past high school because it’s not possible or your family can’t support you. For us to be able to do something like this … it means so much.”
It might mean a lot for LeBron James but it may mean the world to the families this will impact.