Monday, June 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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HT Welcomes Its Largest Freshman Class Since 2010

AUSTIN — Huston-Tillotson University’s enrollment continues to rise. This year’s freshman class count is 244. This count is the largest since 269 freshmen entered Huston-Tillotson in Fall 2010. There was only one other larger number in 2009 of 250. Overall, the 2018 freshman class is the third largest in the school’s history. When this year’s freshman count adds to the number of all other classes, this year’s overall student enrollment as of this release is 1160, a five-percent increase over last year.

Pierce J. 1 » Press Releases and News


Jeffrey Pierce (pictured), Director of Admissions, shared what his department did to increase the incoming freshmen number.

“We were innovative with meeting the students where they are the most, on their mobile devices. This was done through a detailed, intense, and robust communication plan via social media and text messaging.”

Pierce was very pleased with his department’s efforts.

“After a very long recruitment season, I am very pleased with the turnout of the incoming freshman class. This could not have been done without an effective admissions staff, coupled with a detailed, intense, and robust communication plan via social media and text messaging. It feels good to be a part of a historical moment for HT!”



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