Friday, July 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Huston-Tillotson University statement on Presidential Election

AUSTIN, TX (11.09.16) – President Colette Pierce Burnette today issued the following statement:

The greatest opportunities for us to advance our communities are within our own spheres of influence within our own individual lives. We all want the same things. Though we venture along different paths on our respective journeys, the goals we’ve set for ourselves, the outcomes we want for our families and dreams we have for our children will not materialize from hopelessness. 

Fear mongering works on the non-educated and weak people. It has flushed out where and who we really are as a nation. So, now we know. We also know that EDUCATION IS A WEAPON against our pain sources.

For many of us, the outcome of this election is a pain point for our country. What we must refuse to do is be angry. Instead, we must turn our energies into becoming game changers. 

We must be engaged in what is happening around us in our daily lives and begin to hold one another accountable. We will hold Mr. Trump and all elected officials accountable to their word. We need to hold Mr. Trump accountable as the President for all people and make sure he works toward healing wounds and binding divides for all. Hopefully, the news of his triumph over Hillary Clinton has pushed many of us to recognize that, more than ever, we all need to be engaged as active participants. 

It’s going to be hard work, but we really do not have a choice and there really are no excuses. We didn’t get here overnight. When you aren’t involved and engaged, things happen to you, not for you. There is no time to rest – now is when the real work begins.

We are not weak people. Go labor in His vineyard. It’s our civic duty. #wakeup and #staywoke

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