Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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UPDATE: Looters Destroy Music Industry Legend, George Daniels,’ Liquor Store

UPDATE: George states that his inusrance company has agreed to cover his losses. This is great news. Read the previous story below. He has taken down his Go-Fund-Me page.

George Daniels better known as Uncle George is an icon not only in Chicago but across the country. In 1969, George opened George’s Music Room in Chicago and has been a pillar of strength and support in the community. As the music industry began to evolve from vinyl to digital, George decided to pivot his music retail expertise to libations with his latest venture, George’s Beverage Depot in 2018. As a veteran businessman and entrepreneur, George found a location and built his first store.

As protests rage across the United States, calling for an end to police brutality and justice for the murder of George Floyd, the city outlook changed. Unfortunately, the peaceful riots turned violent in Chicago during the weekend of May 29th and caused devastating damage to the store. The entire establishment had been vandalized and robbed. $1.2 million worth of inventory stolen and/or destroyed, registers and safe stolen; both had cash in them,  ATM broken into and cash stolen, security gates were destroyed, entryway glass shattered,  coolers shattered, shelving destroyed and our employees are out of work. Being a black owned business, and someone who is dedicated to community, it is heartbreaking to see  all his hard work and dedication destroyed. 

After discussing with the insurance company he found out that the insurance will only cover a portion of what it will cost to rebuild and reopen. He is asking for your help to bring back George’s Beverage Depot!


  1. Very upset to see what happened to George Daniels store. The music industry better help him out and any other’s like him instead of bailing out looters. Let’s see if CNN orMSNBC talks about this. He is a music legend in Chicago.

  2. Ah ‘but they wouldn’t do it to me’, you know, because, because, because I am woke. 11 lives already lost and counting during these criminal riots, yet most Liberals and the woke community support the lawlessness by saying “no worries we’ll bail you out after you commit crimes”. A lawless society is not a civil society. I don’t care who is committing crimes whether they be Black, White Asian, Latino, Arab, Hispanic, throw them in jail, and if you don’t love your country or flag then go live in another place instead of directing your hate at others and condoning criminality. Criminality has no place in any community or society.

    George Floyd did not deserve that treatment, but by the same token there’s no justification for the actions being taken now, none whatsoever. Where were you all when Justine Damond was shot dead by a black cop of Somalian descent in Minnesota, or how about David Dorn, not a word spoken about whose lives mattered in those cases. What utter hypocrisy.

  3. You do realize both officers in those cases were immediately arrested and charged and are both facing jail time. Thanks for further proving the point, even the black police officers are treated differently.


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