LET IT GO Eddie Long… LET IT GO!


First off allow me to say sexual harassment or sex against one’s better judgement is not funny and it’s a serious situation. I’m absolutely not poking fun at that but I am poking fun at the hypocrisy of it all. I really could not watch Eddie Long hang himself in that interview on Steve Harvey. I saw the clips and didn’t need to see any more. I just don’t believe him but that doesn’t mean he’s not lying telling the truth against the five men who say he is guilty. I’m not sure if even more dudes started to come forward but it appears Long wanted to shut this situation down ASAP (see clip). 
The main thing is Long was extremely anti-gay. How many times do you see this play out with politicians, lawmakers, other preachers or perhaps someone you know personally. I never understood people hiding behind scripture to condemn someone for something that they themselves are guilty of. Perhaps it’s their way of punishing themselves by watching others suffer. I don’t know but it’s pretty sick. Just note that anyone who is concerned about someone else’s sex life or love life is telling you more about themselves than their target.  How much do YOU care about who the old lady up the street is sleeping with, unless…. you’re interested in her.

Do what makes you and whoever you are with happy. No matter what walk of life you come from live and be true to you and never let someone else define YOUR life, they have their own crosses to bear. For those of you who read the site you know I have a dark sense of humor. I’m not apologizing for it just warning you. I’m always a champion of the underdog. Your thoughts on this? Feel free to comment. 

So Eddie Long was on steve harvey yesterday to discuss his new book “Eddie Long: The Untold Story” about the allegations when the four young men accused him of luring them into sex against their better judgement.

The young men stated that in some cases Long approached their single mothers about taking them on lavish trips overseas and the mothers trusted Long thinking it would be a good experience for their sons but if Long had asked THEM to go wouldn’t they have gotten the message?

Long settled the cases out of court but I always wondered if the insurance company was the one to settle with the church’s insurance? Many churches are required, according to a friend that works for a huge church, to have separate policies in case they advise someone wrongfully like “God said, Quit your job and wait for your destiny in the homeless shelter.”  (That’s an example of my dark humor, don’t judge me)