Jay-Z Does it Again


jay-z-album-magna-carta-holy-grailJay-Z is just plain brilliant. You can’t deny how this man has taken corporate America by storm while still maintaining his “from the streets to the suites” persona. Not only did he announce a new album, “Magna Carta Holy Grail,” but he did it during Game 5 of the NBA Finals via a joint collaboration with Samsung via a commercial. Through an exclusive app for Samsung Galaxy owners, the first one million people get the album for free on July 4, 2013.  This is pure innovation. Hip-Hop and any genre of music needs to take notice. This is how you embrace the trends of today and turn it into something lucrative for all parties involved. Jay-Z has truly evolved and you can’t deny his brilliance.https://youtu.be/B–ZARCwSIE